
Early morning start, dog walk, dog breakfast, human breakfast (never skip breakfast, a BOQ rule if you want to beat burnout), a quick second cup of tea with the news and it’s time to get myself ‘ready’ for the day. Feeling a little ‘morning lazy’ so thought “I’ll skip the eyeliner” but one last glance in the mirror made me think “ I look unfinished”. On went the eyeliner, ready to meet the world! (Now before you get huffy thinking ‘eyeliner doesn’t make the woman’ well of course you’re right, but red lipstick and eyeliner does it for me!). It’s absolutely not about the eyeliner it’s about that little extra effort that can raise your experience out of the ordinary.

There’s a problem here because as women we so easily get trapped doing ‘extras’ for others but not making that same effort for ourselves. When we don’t go that little extra distance for ourselves we subtly give ourselves the message that we aren’t worth the effort. Well, we are here to say…

It’s simply not right that we ‘make do’ while saving all the extras for others.
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Oh it may not always be convenient to find the time or the energy for that extra, but far too much of our world has become about convenience. Convenient doesn’t always mean better or easier and it certainly often doesn’t equate with beautiful or soulful. You need to get beyond a mindset of ‘this will do’ when it comes to you. You need to reflect your gorgeous energy into the world.

It’s time my darlings for you to become mindful of what you desire, what delights you, and what just plain feels good so you can make them your extras!

When you live from a place of positiveness, optimism and spirit… when you take the time and energy to add that little something extra (yes, like my eyeliner) you are saying to yourself (and to the world)…

What I have to offer is meaningful. I am an important part of the ‘bigger picture’.
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If you are feeling stuck in the mundane and ordinary…do something extra today! Your metaphorical eyeliner can spur creativity, open up new opportunities, and create wider vistas.

You will feel more powerful within yourself when you treat yourself like you matter. When you treat yourself with value. Your effort is a direct mirror of your self-worth and self-approval.

Are you ready for a Burnout Queen shout out? Let’s be heard Queenies…

“I take pride in myself. I have confidence. I am a serious contender. I will not settle for mediocre or mundane! It’s my time to make that effort. Time to defy ordinary!

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!



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