
Well, it seems that ‘burnout-proofing’ your life isn’t as boring a topic as we thought! Our last article obviously hit the right note with a lot of you. So…sticking with the theme we want to share one huge aspect of burnout proofing your life that you need to put at the top of your hit parade. What’s that? Loving and respecting who you are! (What did you think I was going to say? Time management! Now THAT’s totally boring!)

We believe in the quiet power of living life as ‘mindful’ HSPs. That means loving and respecting our sensitivity. It’s of paramount importance to value your ability to feel, think and reflect deeply. Plus there is that cool, creative, slightly angled view of the world we HSPs share. Personally, the world would feel deadly dull without that 45 degree tilted viewpoint!

Now embracing your HSP’ness (Do not say that fast it will bring on a dose of giggles! We did warn you.) does not mean hiding away or living timidly. No living with the shades drawn or reclining on a chaise longue sniffing lavender as you swoon! No, nothing so dramatic or romantic! Being an HSP certainly doesn’t mean that you are a shrinking violet, au contraire, you have the power and foresight to live boldly, bravely, and bigger than you ever thought you could.

At your core you are a ‘go for it’ kind of woman.
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We encourage our Highly Sensitive, creative, and completely fabulous clients to find, respect, value and love their own natural (but admittedly sometimes ‘off beat as far as the rest of the world goes) rhythm. You need to discover what it means to dance in your own very unique or quirky style. To live life that other, dare we say ordinary, way is to invite burnout.

Burnout proofing your life is all about believing in yourself, accepting yourself and genuinely being yourself. When you do you will be amazed at how grounded and powerful you feel, you will stop struggling with whatever it is that keeps you struggling, and you will embrace the equilibrium of enlightened balance that makes ‘work/life balance’ look like a concept from the stone age!

You simply can’t unlock your amazing potential if you are always teetering on the edge of burnout. You will end up living ‘mediocre’ and we know that’s not what you were meant to do. Get ready to boldly embrace what you want, need, desire, and dream of. Get ready to dance!

It’s time, it’s definitely time, for you to ‘defy ordinary’.

Here’s one great tip:

Do something totally different today…instead of checking off all the things on your list that you ‘need’ to do, replace them, (yes you read it right, we said replace not add to) with things you ‘want’ to do.

Oh call us crazy kids, it’s radical we know, but give it a go! Who knows what you will discover!

“Today I want to….”

Until next time…Grab Life by the Crown!

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