Metaphors are powerful motivators that can lead to implementing executive skills that succeed. Here’s an example my Executive client and I focused on recently.

The goal:  He needs a ‘higher profile’ in the company.

Our strategy:  Blow your own horn.  Alright he says, what exactly do you have in mind.  We discussed how his position is an important and integral part of the workings of the company data and production, but it’s a boring piece of the wheel.  You know, he says, it’s not ‘sexy’ and doesn’t stand out against products and sales.

So how does the ‘less than sexy department head’ get his group noticed and appreciated more often.   One way…Blow your own horn by…

  1. Speaking up about what your team is progressing with,  succeeding at, and why it is always integral to the smooth running of the company.
  2. Preemptive strikes.  Consistently be subtle about announcing his worth (and that of the team),  rather than waiting to be asked and having to explain.

Offence, defence, or pre-emptive. Whatever you call it, it really comes down to making the details of what you do and how you do it much more visible.  It’s a competitive world in business now, so if you aren’t willing to speak up and speak out you may just get passed by.

Right, this guy is on board.  The best part of the call happened as we were about to sign off. He rolled up his sweater sleeve only to reveal a tattoo of a tuba!  Blow Your Own Horn indeed.

This guy knows how to do this already.  He just needed a little supportive nudge.

(from executive calls at Live the Solution)


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