Just off a great call with a VIP client who is really putting her personal boundaries in place. Being a health care professional kind of comes with her built-in belief that you are there to look after everyone else’s needs first, and of course there is some truth in that, but if you don’t look after your own needs physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually burnout is not far off. Health care workers deal with very specific demands that tap into all the triggers associated with burnout, so it is vitally important for them to understand burnout and stay aware of their own coping ability.
My brilliant client is actively and consciously beginning to put herself Front & Centre in the workplace. In this case it means monitoring work load, making her needs known, saying ‘No’, sharing difficulties, and in particular dealing with a conniving colleague who has been making work life hell! (but that’s another blog)
Being aware of where her boundaries were letting her down and taking steps to shore them up is making a huge difference in her health, the outlook for her future career, and her sense of personal power. For the future we’re working on preventing burnout.
The Burnout Queens