Visions of Sugar Plums | Are you ready for your future?

This is the perfect time of year to ask you to imagine.  If you believe in angels, elves or magical sleigh rides then you are ready to dream.

What do you imagine your life to be…someday?

We are talking about the Big Picture, not plans or goals.  Oh, plans and goals are helpful when it comes to making things happen but they go nowhere without your imagination, your desire to dream big.  Whatever you choose to call your Big Dream (life vision, life dream, or wide angle view) we want you to indulge in imagining it in all its glory.

Now you know that the BOQs believe in inspiration, but we are also pretty ‘down to earth’!  We are not necessarily preaching the ‘dream it and it will happen’ school of thought, but we do believe that once you begin to dream your life in the future you breathe an energetic spirit into your dream and that is when it becomes a possibility.

Having a vision of your life in the future takes you beyond a place of limitation to a place of possibility and opportunity.

We all have times when we think about the future and wish or hope that things will be different.  Well, no one ever accused the BOQs of being subtle so here is what we believe…wishing is wishy-washy!  Wishing and hoping don’t make things happen.  Wishing is passive. ‘Wanting’ on the other hand encourages you to stretch and challenge yourself to realise your potential.  Wanting has energy.

To make things happen you need to want!

Still skeptical whether or not you have the ability to design a life vision for yourself?  Anyone can dream what is possible, dreaming and imagining is a natural process of our psyche.  Since the beginning of humanity every single achievement or invention began as a sparkle of an idea in someone’s mind.  Everything that exists was merely a thought once upon a time.

Allowing yourself to dream and design a life vision means getting a sneak preview of life to come.

We know that many of you, our darling readers, are looking for a new dream, a different direction, deeper satisfaction, new challenges, and definitely more time to laugh and love.  You only need an idea, a ‘wouldn’t it be great if…’ kind of idea.  The rest will unfold as you allow yourself to dream.  After all, what better time of year is there to believe?

There is plenty to come!

We send you our love and wishes for a gentle and loving holiday time.  We sincerely hope you will join us on this adventure called life next year as we unravel our new dreams along with yours. 

May we all pray in whatever way we do for Peace on Earth, there could be no greater gift.

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!

P.S.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below. 

P.S.S. We’re now on Instagram! Our handle is THEBURNOUTQUEENS, of course!

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