Dr Toby

Co-owner, The Burnout Queens

Women, Bodies & Baggage

love my body

Women’s bodies come with a full set of baggage.  We worry about how fat or thin, tight or saggy, tall or short, young or old,  beautiful or ugly we are.

It all comes down to our bodies and the relationship we have with it.  Whether it’s loving or spiteful we are stuck with it.  It is something we are born with and changes with or without our permission over a lifetime.  It changes, it grows, it develops, it moves, it gets strong, it gets weak and all manner of things in-between.

So how do you treat this ‘thing’ that holds you up and moves you through the world.  Perhaps because of that very fact alone we should learn to like it more.

Here are 8 ways you can take good care of that ‘thing’ you already love, are getting to love or have hated for years.

  1. Like her more by not comparing her to another woman
  2. Feed and water her regularly
  3. Put lotion on her and let her glow
  4. Massage her to help her move with ease
  5. Take her for a walk, bike ride, swim
  6. Sit her down
  7. Let her sleep
  8. Limit the stress and strain you put her under

Showing respect for your body will help you respect your Self and THAT darling, results in you becoming the radiant Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected you were truly meant to be.

With Love,  The Burnout Queens xx




An HSP opinion of being gracious

2 women whispering 1

If someone shares their dream, vision, or idea with you and you see they are clearly excited …

What do you do?  How do you respond?  What do you say?

When I share my enthusiasm about starting a new venture, challenging myself personally, or uprooting my life, I am generally met with great curiosity, support and love from those around me (except my mother of course, but darlings, that’s a whole other story).

I’ve also met those who are  shocked that I will do what I say I want to do “Oh, you mean you’re actually going to Do this (incredulous tone required!) and then

I’ve met those who feel the deep need to be negative, warn you and wonder what’s gotten into you lately? (omg, I know someone who hated what you’re about to do). Why must they warn me or save me from my own choices I wonder?   Can’t they just be happy for me?

So I have to ask, what is the cost of being gracious, even if their choice isn’t yours?

Here’s my best advice the next time someone shares their hopes and dreams with you…

Think before you share and offer

Grace if you must speak.


In love and support

The Burnout Queens xx

My Boss Bunked Off Work!

coffee and donuts

I have choice at my company. It’s a flexible workplace so if it’s sunny out I can go out and enjoy my day with a mind to work on another day.

Deciding is often easier because I ask the same questions my boss asks.  Don’t ask what you should do, but what you want to do.

Decision made.. 2 bosses (hey because I’m one) bunked off work the other day and were found browsing the North Laines (well one had a hair appointment so we made a morning of it). We both love working this way.  Then we were back in the afternoon ready to write and create.

This is truly an example of how to ‘think aside’.  When we are away from the desk, the minds start to expand and think in a different way.  Out of the confines of the office (even if they are beautiful) allows thoughts to come more naturally.

This kind of day…doing something I want…definitely gets the creative juices going (including this post) over coffee and jam doughnuts.

How can you create a ‘thinking aside’ moment in your work life that suits you and your company?

Love, The Burnout Queens, xx

Spring Cleaning HSP-style

spring clean

When Spring arrived,  everyone was talking about spring-cleaning the house, the garden, washing the car, mending the curtains and fixing the fence!  All of that sounds lovely and inspiring and encouraging.  It will make us feel better to put the new paint on the walls, get the old out and make room for the new.

Of course, that got me thinking.  All those make-overs outside ourselves will make us happier and feel more organised, but dear one, what if we take that concept and apply it just to little-old-you!  Have you spring cleaned your life yet?

Yes, let’s spring clean you!  Whoosh that sounds kinda weird, but before you get offended, why not try freshening your ‘self’ up this spring.

Spring may be the perfect time to take stock of yourself and give a heave-hoe to the old stuff and a welcome mat to the new!

Here are 8 challenges that will give you and your life a fresh-air newness.

  1. Challenge your brain.  Make a new routine to your day.
  2. Challenge your emotions.  Create new rituals (not chores) that you enjoy.
  3. Challenge your spirit. Clear your energy by saying kinder things to you and others (get rid of the swearing and cursing, it doesn’t become a queen).
  4. Challenge your perspective. Look for positives in your life and bin the negatives.
  5. Challenge your heart.  Send your outworn styles to charity.  Give some other woman less fortunate the opportunity to feel beautiful.
  6. Challenge your creativity.  Make a beautiful space, even if it’s a little corner or small surface.  Air freshener that makes you smile, candle that calms, colours you love, most classy-comfy armchair to curl up in.
  7. Challenge your self.  Take pictures of yourself and see what others see.  If you don’t like what you see, change her!
  8. Challenge your desire.  Start a piggy-bank for anything you want it to be for.  Keep investing in your dream, who knows when that little piggy will crack!

Remember you need to put yourself on the spring clean list every year, along with all the household cleaning.    What better way to ensure you feel alive and invigorated again.  After all, isn’t that what Spring is all about?

Challenge You.  Clear the clutter and feel the freedom!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

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