
Hello from Lewes & London! 11 November 2017

Hello from London & Lewes

The October ritual season is upon us. Of course we bring old rituals with us from Canada and have adopted new rituals over the last eight years in the UK.  If there is one thing that signifies Autumn arriving it’s the flight of geese overhead and the appearance of gourds, pumpkins and little black witches sitting in the weekly market stall.
Our first UK ritual began attending art exhibitions and fairs.  Our favourite ‘never miss’ is now the Affordable Art Fair in London.  Creativity on tap over tea and croissants.  Just a great day out every year.


Hallowe’en in North America as many of you know is a big thing.  The UK is just catching on, but we were prepared. Alas, no children, so we were forced (!) to eat the candies ourselves.  When it comes to costumes we have not been disappointed, as Lewes Bonfire Night is something really, really big in the UK.  It starts mid-day with the town shutting all it’s transportation, boarding up the high street shops and dressing for the evening celebrations and parades.



We had been warned that this is a parade and fireworks like nothing we had ever experienced before.  We were told it would be a good idea to take the pups away for the weekend as the canon booms and fireworks shook the houses.  But we are The Burnout Queens so we stayed to make it yet another ritual that we were preparing for.  A ‘pet remedy’ plugin to chill the dogs (it absolutely worked and seems an understatement given the noise outside), and a magnificent view of the fireworks from our kitchen window.


The parade of pirates, military, Native Indians and Zulus, 80 people deep, carrying flaming sticks and crosses through the street, up through the castle keep and out to the High Street where they were met by Highland Pipers all proceeding down to meet at the War Memorial was a sight to behold. Wreathes and prayers over, the fireworks began and the skies around Lewes were filled with red smoke and what we fondly call the ‘boom, boom, sparkleys so the dogs don’t freak out.



Rituals are what makes our lives here in England interesting.  Although we often share our everyday chores, teas and walks, these extra special rituals are icing on the cake (and you know us with cake)!

We hope you have great rituals that give you joy and mark your year in  special ways.  Of course, the next big ritual is growing close, and you know what that means…ho, ho, ho!

Here’s a proper newspaper picture of Lewes Bonfire Night…and yes…the house shook!


Until next month.  Happy boom, boom, sparkleys!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

P.S:  If you have pictures of rituals that mark your years, we would love to see them.  Share them in the comments section of our blog (http://www.theburnoutqueens.com/blog)

Fret it, Fight It, or… | Turn Stress On Its Head

Fret it, Fight It, or… Turn Stress On Its Head

Seriously, this last couple of months I wanted, no needed, two of me, or perhaps three if you include the one who just wants to ‘do tea’ and doddle in the garden, but I’d settle for two.  Well there I was, mid yoga stretch (relax, breathe into the pose, let it go…) when it hit me, I could fret it or fight it but ultimately what I really needed to do is turn stress on its head.

Relax and breathe into that daily stretch called life.
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Most of us want to make our lives more flexible, relaxed, and harmonious but it can feel impossibly hard to do that with all the daily pressures, challenges, demands, not to mention the constant ‘time squeeze’ we all feel.  Truth be said we cause lots of our daily stress by going too fast, cramming too much in, jumping when everybody else clicks their fingers, and stretching in too many directions, way too many directions.  Lots of times, however, life just gets in the way of life!  Hello stress, like right now when I’m trying to finish this article for you all and the property management firm has arrived to check on our move in.  Ah Life you got to love it!

Now in the past my reaction to the pressure would have been to get all tensed up, annoyed, worried, and pressured.  I would respond by furiously attempting to get more focused, work faster, add another task to my list (go figure that one!), in short dig in and push harder.  Hey, that’s what made me the perfect Burnout Queen!  Naturally none of this proved remarkably effective, instead it simply added to my sense of overwhelm.

Imagine replacing resistance with harmony and peace.
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I love the idea of breathing into life; deeply inhaling all life has to offer (yes stress and all, that is why it’s called life) then letting it all go on the exhale. Imagine (seriously sweetie, close your eyes and imagine) not feeling the  tension or the resistance, not feeling the pressure, not feeling squeezed.  Could it be that you could actually stretch further, be more flexible, experience more flow in your life and at the same time gain in strength and resilience?  Now that’s turning stress on it’s head and that’s exactly what comes when you accept that life can be simpler…more breathable so to speak.

So go ahead, next time you are feeling all scrunched up with stress take that full breath in, breathe out and let your body, mind and soul fill and flow and let it go.  Bye bye burnout because you defy ordinary.

You know how to be cool with life.

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Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer