
Not My Responsibility!

hands up 1

Twice this week clients, professional HSP working women, have wanted my opinion about situations that had come up at work and the common denominator…is this my responsibility?

Responsibility is tricky for us highly sensitive (dare I say, oh sure why not since I’m one too!) perfectionistic, over-achieving, and highly ethical and responsible women!   You see we have been raised and trained to take responsibility for everything and anything whether it actually is our responsibility or not!  And we step up and then we stew about it.  Two scenarios:

First one:  Client is aware that a colleague is partaking in some pretty unethical behaviour.  My client had alerted the owners of the company about this possibility when they hired this other worker – it wasn’t a suggestion to not hire them just to keep an eye on them.  Over and over again my client tried to raise the red flag, which was part of her original consultancy responsibility but wasn’t really listened to by the powers that be.  This time my client directly addressed the situation with the person who was carrying out this questionable behaviour to be met with a complete ‘who cares!’ attitude.  So now she was wondering do I go to ‘the bosses’ with it?  Lots of you are probably saying, ‘of course!’ (probably because you are also  HSPs full of integrity).

My response…not your responsibility any longer, let it go.  They didn’t listen to you before, they are not going to listen now.  Take yourself off the hook and don’t enter a contentious situation.

Second situation:  Budget!  My client, a financial exec, brings forward an invoice of varying tech costs with a whole list of reasons why some should be excluded from these tech consultants.  Bosses attitude is “just pay it!”  But, but, but…

My response…not your company, his company, you did your job, you raised the issue, you showed him the evidence…pay it, it’s his money! 

I’ll probably have lots of people disagreeing with me, even I disagree with me sometimes! However, I also know that our proclivity to take 150% responsibility for things that aren’t ultimately our responsibility gets us into trouble.

Take the steps you need to feel like you can look at yourself in the mirror, know you have done your best, then let it go. You can’t be right, or listened to, all the time.  Darn!

Love, Dr Toby (The Burnout Queens)) xx

What’s Age Anymore?

daphne selfe

You know when you rush through a station and something catches your eye, well I was rushing through the internet the other day and this blog caught my eye. It was called Wonder Women: The Stars Who’ve Turned Seventy and Still Continue to Shine (by Alison Coldridge, 19/01/2016).  I had to have a look and I can only say…Wow!  These women are inspirational, not just because they have celebrity or look amazing, but because they are still relevant and working at what they love to do.  I swear that is why they are all so beautiful.  So here is their list, then we added a few of our own.

Their list:  Dolly Parton (70);  Diane Keaton (70);  Bette Midler (70);  Helen Mirren (70);  Debbie Harry (70);  Jane Fonda (78);  Vivienne Westwood (74);  Grace Coddington  (74);  Goldie Hawn (70);  Tina Turner (76);  Judi Dench (81);  Maggie Smith (81);  Joan Collins (82) .

Our additions:  Mary Berry (80);  Shirley Bassey (79);  Cleo Laine (88);   Angela Lansbury (90);  Queen Elizabeth (90);  Bridget Riley (84);  Rose Hilton (85);  Louise Hay (89);  Joanna Lumley (70);  Carole King (73);  Carly Simon (70);  Daphne Selfe (85);  Yoko Ono (82);  Carmen Dell’Orefice (84).

I know someone out there is going to say they are all stars, well you are right they are all stars in their known field and many of them have made massive contributions behind the scenes as humanitarians and activists as well.

We know them, we see them and I for one appreciate their visibility. I wish it were as easy to name off all the brilliant women scientists, philosophers, legal minds, or economists who are still working at what they are passionate about past 70!  If you know of some please share so we can all broaden our horizons.

Take a moment and look up some of their accomplishments. I’ll simply say it again, Wow!

With love and inspiration to all…Dr. Toby (The Burnout Queens) xx

If You Are A No Show Alert, Alert!

alarm clock

What do you do when a client doesn’t show up for the second time in the month and it was booked and rebooked?

You have a choice. As a sensitive and creative therapist/coach in the past I would have been flexible to the point of giving in to the non-existent structure of the client. And of course, to keep the client’s business.

Now, I perceive the constant ‘no show’ as a sign that motivation is gone for this client, and my time and energy invested with my heart and training is not taken seriously, nor deemed worth  much!

So the choice…new rules learned over the years is to give clients a 15 minute window of lateness and then get on with things.  No sense chasing around after someone who is not able (nor wants) to be caught.

We have a motto in our business based on an old commercial in the US:  ‘catch you now, or catch you later’ and it has always been spot on.  If it’s not the client’s time, it won’t happen, but when it is…they will be back!

I am sure that many highly sensitive and smart women in business give clients the extra, extra mile and ‘do’ the right thing by their clientele.    Ladies, ‘do’ the right thing by your own self.  Stretching too far sometimes means you loosen too much of your self and self-respect.

Evolution.  Dr Bev (The Burnout Queens) xx

Can’t Keep Your Antlers Straight?

Antlers on straight

Can’t keep your antlers straight?…

You might just be in the Loop! That’s the B-Loop we’re talking about.  What’s the B-Loop?  Well my dears… B is for Burnout!

The holiday season is defined by stress and pressure: TV ads with sparkling lights and happy happy families, perfect dinners, happy families, mounds of presents, did we mention happy families?!!!

It’s enough to give you the chills! But you are a Burnout Queen so when the pressure hits you get going!

You vow you will..

  • dig in and push harder
  • achieve more
  • write more lists, check them twice (no make that 10 times!)
  • make double the shortbread
  • plan the perfect Holiday menu
  • craft like a crazy lady
  • buy more lights for the house (the neighbours doubled theirs!)
  • get more prezzies for the kids, musn’t disappoint
  • create the perfect decorating scheme
  • and get a reindeer for the front lawn (note to self make that a real one!)

Don’t look up you’re not doneYou…

  • need to paint the guestroom, (it’s tired)
  • order the new sofa in time for the neighbourhood party
  • find the perfect dress for the office party (not too sexy not too prim)
  • make the Christmas pageant costumes (1 angel, 2 shepherds)
  • lose the extra weight by the holidays
  • and love your in-laws by Dec 24!

Welcome to the B-Loop!  It’s a slippery slope with or without snow!

Burnout Queens think it’s normal to be in the Loop! We don’t recognise the pattern.  Well, now you can!  It looks like this…

stress >> dig in >> do more>> achieve less>> stress >>push harder

You live in the Loop with a smile on your face, you make it look easy and no one knows you are skating on thin ice!  And because you make it look so easy-peasy everyone just expects you to do it all again…and again…and again…

Next year it will be different!  We’ve heard that before, but now it can!   Stick with us Darling Burnout Queens and we will show you how to get out of the Loop and stay out!

Join us inside The Realm and see how other women are escaping the Loop.  What a gift!  (Click here to become a free member instantly)

Until next time…sparkle!   Dr Toby, The Burnout Queens xx


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