Hello from Lewes & London! 11 November 2018

Hello from London & Lewes

In Flanders Field the poppies…

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018


As little girls we recited the poem In Flanders Field the poppies… during assemblies.  I did not understand the magnitude at the time, but now as an adult living in the UK, distances to the battlefields in Europe and across England are all too close making Remembrance Day very real and intensely moving.

Throughout the year, and especially this 100th Anniversary of WWI., there are exhibits, installations, and always an historic war memorial in town centres to highlight the sacrifices of troops.

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018


Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018


We are both british by heritage so it makes us proud for our male and female family members and friends both British and Canadian who served in both wars.

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018


Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018

Quite by accident while visiting Dr T’s ancestoral home in the countryside, we discovered a small monument to Canadian soldiers outside the Cuckmere Coastguard Cottages at the edge of the White Cliffs (Seven Sisters).  Camped here before embarking across the Channel to France, all 150+ perished overnight when a German pilot emptied his unused bombs in the valley before flying home across the English Channel.

We hope you take your moment of silence on Remembrance Day to think about the heavy loss of life (19,000 in the first day of WWI), the loss of families (3 of 4 sons from one family), and the strength and courage of all who fought and came home.  We wear our poppies for all of you.

Burnout Queens | Hello 11-2018

With respect and honour,

Love, respect and never forget.

Stuck In The Muck Of Retro-Worry? | A True HSP Dilemma

Stuck In The Muck Of Retro-Worry?

How many of you indulge in ‘retro-worry’?  Show of hands please!  We knew it.  Oh my goodness, us Highly Sensitive types are brilliant at retro-worrying, in fact, you could say we take it to an art form!  If you are wondering what on earth I mean by ‘retro-worry’, well, it sounds like this and it just may sound familiar.

Should I have?  What if I had…?  Why didn’t I?  If only I had… Why did I say that?  Why didn’t I say that?  What do you think s/he meant by that?  Why did I do that?  Why didn’t I do that?  Why did I leave that relationship, take that job, die my hair bright green…? 

Retro-worry keeps you stressed and it keeps you stuck.

This wonderful brain of mine can take me back years simply to retro-worry about something that was ‘done and dusted’ long ago.  This creates a problem since all it does is keep me stuck looking over my shoulder.  It’s like driving forward with your gaze stuck on the rear view mirror!

When we retro-worry about the distant past, or even about something yesterday, we get stuck in a loop; we keep retracing our steps only to end up right back where we are now.  This loop never allows us to move forward.  All it does is unnecessarily compound stress and tension, ultimately drain our energy, and lead to feeling over-aroused and overwhelmed.

Goodness knows, there are enough daily stressors in our world without needing to dredge up long-lost ones!

Now here is something that you may not realise about indiscriminate retro- worry, it winds you up.  You may be worrying about something that happened 20 years ago but your body doesn’t know that.  The minute you start into retro-worrying your body swings into action with ‘in the moment’ stress responses.  That’s a no-win situation for your body because it’s making all the appropriate moves to alert you and protect you but nothing is changing; there is no release for all the tension, there is nothing ‘real’ that can be achieved or solved with retro-worry.

Retro-worry creates the kind of anxiety
that you can do nothing about.

When we perceive past events as ‘mistakes’ or ‘stupid follies’ then we are more likely to anticipate future events in the same way.  We would go so far as to say that retro-worrying allows the past to dictate future thinking, for example believing that if you didn’t get something right in the past means you will likely fail at it in the future.  Nonsense we say!  Using retro-worry as a crystal ball seriously affects our sense of who we are; our very sense of Self.  Turn that crystal ball upside down, however, and we learn from our past perceived mistake, evolve our definition of who we are, and move forward with the assumption that if the same type of thing happens in the future we will handle it differently, we will be different.

Getting stuck in the muck of retro-worry
limits your freedom of choice.

You can’t change the past, but you can at this present moment in time, make another choice, take another path. You can learn whatever lessons you can, then look straight ahead and head on out into the future.

Thing is, in most cases, you did the best you could do, made the choice that was ‘right’ at the time. (Of course you all know the BOQs belief: there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ choices, there are simply choices.)  Maybe you could have done something else, said something different, turned a different corner, but if you had truly known that at the time you probably would have done it back then.  I mean, in retrospect would I have bought the bright orange shaggy wool coat from Peru that made me look a little like Big Bird?  (Hey it was the 80s and it felt ‘right’ at the time…really!)

Retro-worrying holds the HSP back.
We bring forward the mistake instead of the learning.

So why discuss retro-worry?  Easy!  From our work we know that HSPs and Peak Performers share characteristics, strengths, and gifts.  Now when Peak Performers revisit and reflect on a ‘fumble’ they learn what went ‘wrong’ so that they can enhance their performance now and in the future.  When an HSP looks back on the ‘fumble’ we tend to focus on any perceived failure, upset, and often get mired in the emotions of how it made us, and anyone else involved, feel…real or not.  We tend to review and relive the mistake, the upset, and most certainly the self-judgement rather than reflecting on the past so that we can learn, grow, and let it go.

As HSPs we all need to learn to make the distinction between reflection (which we love and do so well) and retro-worry (which we hate but do so well!).  We need to create healthy boundaries between these two vistas.  Honouring this distinction allow us to harness all that energy that gets stuck in retro-worrying and use it to move forward in our lives, forward toward our dreams.  So, our lovely Burnout Queens, repeat after us…

Learn, grow, and let it go!

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!

P.S.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below. 

Hello from Lewes & London! 13 October 2018

Hello from London & Lewes

When small is beautiful!

Welcome to our special cottage edition of Hello! The Burnout Queens walk as routinely as possible and we love walking past all the cottages that make up our little town and the villages around us.  It’s a truly English thing and these little gems make you forget how far you’ve walked and how steep you’ve climbed.  Bonus.




Cottages in England are a delight to our HSP senses.  They have quirky names, are all different colours, or all the same colour with different coloured doors. The sky is the limit.







Cottages stand alone or sit in a row, they have creative gardens, no gardens, and artistic flair.







Cottages are modern, behind bars, in moats, in the field and tucked behind a castle!





Before moving to England we used to walk by a river in Canada and it too delighted our senses…the wildlife, the water, the tides, the fishing boats and the seal swimming after the salmon!  Now, cottages fit the bill beautifully. We hope you have some focus in your walk that delights your senses.

Don’t be surprised if in one of these issues you see The Burnout Queens moving in and setting up shop.  That would be a dream come true and you know what we always say…

Expect the Unexpected!

Until next issue…Happy Hallowe’en everyone.


Red Knickers and a Cape! | Being A Super-Coper Could Be Your Ticket To Burnout

Red Knickers and a Cape! | Being A Super-Coper Could Be Your Ticket To Burnout

Quick, check your lingerie drawer!  If you find red knickers and a cape, you may be a Super-Coper.  You leap tall buildings in 4-inch heels, catapult over the glass ceiling, and perform acrobatic feats while juggling small children and grown adults alike!  Sure you may feel like you are walking a tightrope or precariously dangling from a trapeze, but no one else would ever catch-on because you are a Super-Coper.

So how can you tell if you have a super-heroine tucked away inside you?  Of course, the red knickers and cape is a dead give away!  After that (hmmm) you are likely female, probably a perfectionist, and most definitely the overly responsible one!  Super-copers are expected to handle it all…so they do.

Super-Copers rarely ask for help, never give-up, and make it all look astoundingly easy.

Here’s another thing, Super-Copers defy gravity!  It’s true (cross my heart) they have bounce.  They rarely, if ever, fall flat on their face despite the fact that their knees may be buckling under the load or they are teetering on the edge of burnout.

Most of us grew-up admiring super-heroines, who didn’t want to be Wonder Woman?  (I mean talk about an exciting lifestyle and BIG hair!)  However, if we have to get real here, (yes, my love, I’m afraid we have to) there are definitely drawbacks to being a Super-Coper.

For instance, not everyone loves a Super-Coper(Gasp!)  We know, hard to imagine,  what’s not to love about us.  Others want us to shoulder the load, sometimes demand that we shoulder the load, but then get a little cranky when we make it look ‘too’ easy.   Sometimes others perceive us as a ‘Little Miss Smarty Pants’ and resent the fact that we appear to handle it all effortlessly (sigh, we know differently).

No one sees the middle of the night worrying
about pulling it all off again tomorrow.

Super-Copers do whatever is necessary to solve problems, meet deadlines, or handle emergencies.  They don’t fall to their knees under the weight, they don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves, they don’t moan, winge, or whine, and they don’t beat their chest in the midst of a crisis.  (Usually because they’re too busy holding everyone else up and solving all their problems!) 

You won’t know when a Super-Coper is over-extended:
they often don’t know it themselves.

That is why it can be risky being a Super-Coper.  While you are busy being-all and doing-all you miss your own signs of exhaustion, overwhelm, or even illness.  Sometimes you simply ignore the signs because you believe you have no choice but to shoulder the load.

When you’re finally done, when you get the chance to catch your breath, the emotional impact hits.  We call this the Super-Coper Post-Party Crash.  You finally come down from the rush of stress hormones.  You may start feeling shaky, anxious, overwhelmed, or even sad or depressed.  You may even catch a cold or flu.  You most definitely end-up exhausted and depleted.

Here’s where it goes south, over-coping is so completely normal to you that you misinterpret this normal post-stress reaction as you ‘not handling things’ or as a sign of weakness which sends you running back to your wardrobe only to emerge wearing, you got it darling, red knickers and a cape!  Oh dear, you can see how the whole Super-Coper thing backfires!

You have been raised and trained to be a Super-Coper.  Family, friends, co-workers, pretty well everyone, have relied on you over and over again to be their super-heroine.  We would be willing to bet our crowns that you have filled this role from the time you were very young.  Even if you have been annoited the Super-Coper, you don’t have to agree to handle everything.

The time has come to be bold.  Stop letting others put you in this box, even when it comes gift-wrapped.

If you are a Burnout Queen you naturally have great problem solving skills and emotional fortitude.  You have life-coping skills that others don’t necessarily have or use.  You are strong.  There are just a few little gems you need to learn like setting limits for others, refusing requests, or letting others handle their own situations or problems. (Now that’s revolutionary!)

Being a Super-Coper is pretty special.  However, you need to recognise when you have donned your cape and gone over the top!

Being Super-Copers ourselves has allowed us to navigate some pretty steep slopes in life; our secret to preventing burnout in our lives is knowing how, when, where, and for whom to use our super-powers.

So, my love, go ahead embrace being a Super-Coper but please, promise no more leaping over tall buildings or saving the world!

Our last words of wisdom?  Lose the cape Darling but keep the red knickers because, you know, Burnout Queens live to defy ordinary!

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!

P.S.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below. 

Hello from Lewes & London! 8 September 2018

Hello from London & Lewes

What’s an Artwave?

During the last few weeks of August, our little town hosts what’s called an artwave, art crawl, or open house art.  The Burnout Queens love art and we love a good snoop in the little cottages and shops and studios in our town.  Come snoop over the walls with us.

Armed with a little Artwave map we knew exactly what our first stop would be.  We could not pass the opportunity to see inside the stone mini-mansion attached to the castle. Imagine living in an 11th century building that has so much history. We have walked by it nearly every day and marvelled at what ‘could’ be inside.  Well darlings, this year it was opened to exhibit art, so off we went for a proper snoop.  The entrance gate alone is divine, but the home is stunningly beautiful, historic and welcoming.


Exiting onto the cobbled path, passing under the castle gate, crossing the busy little High Street, down the narrow street between buildings built in 1390 to our next stop, the chocolate shop!  Okay, we confess we didn’t buy any art pieces, but we didn’t come away empty handed either (dessert anyone?!)


Back up to the High Street and a good hike up to St. Anne’s Gallery (a proper art gallery) full of fabulous art and architecture.  All pricey, so we’re sticking with the chocolates. By the end of our first day we were happy but tired, so stopped to pick up a veggie burger at Bean + Bun (often a staple on weekends) and caught their wall art.  The artist here decided the little outside patio needed it’s own artistic touch.  Got inspired about the patio now!


Next weekend up the quiet, leafy lane to the Paddocks Studios to view art, illustrations, and pottery. We did buy a little something, but it remains top secret for a ‘Christmas’ someone!


Getting tired of walking up and down the cobble-stoned streets?  Take a quick sit, catch your breath and then off we’ll go again.

Winding back through the Paddocks, Castle precinct past the oldest pub in the town ‘The Lamb’, through Grange Gardens, arriving at the sweetest little short street for our next stop (again excited to see inside a cottage on this historic little neighbourhood).  Who could possibly make up a house name like Puddingbag Cottage, but here it is in all it’s quaint glory.  Again, we found the perfect birthday gift for our neighbour who was thrilled to receive a piece of local art.



We had a blast seeing all the artworks and especially thrilled to see so many cottages, old grocery stores-turned homes, castle homes and chocolate shops along the way.  We couldn’t share all 62 venues, but suffice to say we were happily tired and satisfied with our August artwave.

Oh, and we did get a little something for ourselves…well actually for the birds.  It will sit in a well-planted spot in the back garden.

Until September’s special cottage issue (you won’t believe the little gems we have to share with you).


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Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer