Thinking like Marlene Dietrich

marlene dietrich

Filling up your schedule because you thrive on being busy or you just don’t have another choice between the demands and challenges of home and work can wear you out and wear you down. 3 words come to mind:  exhaustion, irritation and burnout.

Making time for yourself, having solitude, is beneficial to both your physical and mental wellbeing. Spending time alone can improve stress and tension, enhance creativity, and aid problem solving.  Even personal relationships can benefit from you taking some time alone.

Obviously then, taking guilt-free downtime is definitely worthwhile. Miss Dietrich knew the benefits of ‘being alone’. Now let’s find ways you can benefit from your own alone time:

  1. Make solitude a regular part of your day or week. Schedule periods of time for yourself that you can count on.
  2. Maybe you already have times in your day when you are alone, taking a shower, walking the dog. Treat these as opportunities to relax rather than seeing them as “chores”.
  3. Taking the bus or tube instead of driving to work can offer a brief respite from stress and time to catch up on reading or listening to music.
  4. If you work outside the home, make lunchtime your digital downtime by leaving the mobile phone at the office

These easy solutions just take a decision to create less pressure and more ease in your life. Go for it.  All you have to lose is the exhaustion, irritation and burnout!

Grab life by the crown!

The Burnout Queens xx

Just let me nod off for a second

royal bed I feel there would be nothing better than a moment to put my head down on a pillow and slip fast asleep for more than half an hour at a time.   Sleep for women seems a very fleeting and often elusive pleasure.  I know most of you can relate!

I just read this article (so had to share) in the Huffington Post that talks about why sleep is SO very important for our brain.  Ladies, when we work hard, and juggle all that we do, our brains need all the help we can give them.  Right?

Have a read and then put your head down!    Click through to the article here:  “Why Your Brain Needs Rest”

The Burnout Queens xx

Be the Queen is taking off

ebookcover150We’ve had a lot of women signing up for their free copy of our beautiful new eBook

Be the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! 60 tips to help you live with less pressure and more ease.

And we are excited to hear which tips are being used to great success.  Here’s our initial few emails and feedback.  Feel free to add your inspiration!

Tip 16: (If you smell burning rubber it’s time to shift gears) was so simple to get my head around.  I’m shifting and feeling the relief, Ta!

Tip 58 (Forget Work/Life Balance) Such easy questions to make it really, really clear what I need to change right now.  Thanks for this.

We KNOW our tips are useful and easy to apply.  We designed them with ‘busy’ in mind.  What’s we’d like you to know is just ONE tip can start you on a wonderful path to changing your life for the better, forever!

Powerful because you, dear one, are important

Keep your feedback coming.  We welcome all your comments and responses.  We love seeing women change and grow their lives.

If you want to join the growing community of smart women using easy tips to create some ease in their stressful lives, grab your free copy and Be the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected!

The Burnout Queens xx

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