Stress relief tip ahead

Did you get your copy of our free eBook “Be the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! 60 fabulous tips to live your life with less pressure and more ease.” (get it below if you didn’t)

If you did, you might recognise this shortened version of tip #40

alarm clock

Ding, ding, ding…time to ‘check your stress’!  

Stress affects your physical and emotional health in so many ways that you need to stay on top of it.  So no better time like the present…

Here are 2 of the 5 signs we cover in our eBook tip.  Ask yourself right now:

1.  Is my breathing shallow or rapid?

2.  Are my shoulders up around my ears?

Relaxing your body will give your mind a different message.  Take a minute or two right now to change your body’s physical stress response.

p.s.  Here’s a trick, send yourself a reminder via email or your phone.  When that reminder goes off, stop and check your stress.
pps  If you want to know the other 3 signs plus get the other 59 seamlessly simple stress tips, then your free personal copy is waiting for you here:

The Burnout Queens xx

The Burnout Pups Weekend Wisdom

3paws are better than 1Well the weekend is upon us again and our little burnout boy as always, is getting in on the act.  When decisions need to be made about how to chill out, we always take a vote…and of course, he just cannot resist himself…

If you want to succeed, 3 paws are better than 1″ he says… 

Enjoy whatever it is you’ve decided to do this weekend.  The Burnout Queens & Pups xx xx

The great little nap


The need to catch up on sleep is on every woman’s lips these days.  Between juggling kids, aging parents, home, chores, work, and who knows what else, the last thing we experience is proper sleep.

We hear many women laughingly talk about being forgetful, misplacing the keys, forgetting their own heads if it wasn’t screwed on straight!   All signs of little sleep and one of the symptoms of burnout.

So bring on the power nap!?  I read this little article in RealAge the other day and thought I’d pass it on.  Give the advice a try—I know one of my clients swears by napping!

Improve Memory with a Power Nap*

You could improve memory skills with this brilliant little habit: power napping.

In a study, people who took a power nap after learning a new task performed 50% better than the non-nappers when they were later given a test on the task.

Power Nap, Total Recall

The process of making memories is complicated. And new memories are the most fragile. But in the study, researchers discovered that nappers who got quality deep sleep (slow-wave sleep) during their naps learned new material much better compared with the sleep-deprived participants. Scientists think something about deep sleep helps new memories encode into higher brain regions where memories become more permanent.

Something About Sleep

Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night is a good health goal. It boosts your immune system, helps control stress levels, and may even be essential in keeping your heart and other body parts healthy. And a power nap every now and then can be a good way to catch up on lost ZZZs — not only to improve memory and keep your mind sharp, but also to help you reach your immune-system-supporting, stress-reducing [optimum].

*(from Improve Memory with a Power Nap –

Ps: at the end, not included here, it said proper sleep can trim 1.5 years off your real age!  I’m in, night-night ladies

The Burnout Queensxx

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