Are you ready? Are you ready to step out into the world as the authentic powerful, sensitive and creative woman you are? Well, my Darlings, the world is ready and waiting for you!
It’s time! It’s time to stand strong in who you are and stop pretending you are less! It’s time for you to shout it to the world…
“It’s COOL to be ME!”
The world needs you! You have an obligation to share your brilliance with the world so that the rest of us can grow in wisdom, depth, compassion and understanding.
When you embrace your strengths, talents, and gifts you contribute to the world.
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Whenever you are true to yourself you inspire others. You inspire your family, your friends, and your colleagues. In fact, you can be an inspiration to anyone you connect with. Everyone has something unique to offer and by living your own unique truth you give others the courage to do the same.
In an everyday spiritual kind of way you are inspirational just being yourself.
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So we have to ask…Do you keep parts of yourself secreted away? Do you hide, discredit, minimise or deny your true gifts? It’s time for you to own your truth and be clear about what you have to offer!
So, there is no more time for excuses! It’s time for you to value your talents, gifts and strengths and it’s definitely time for you to share your beliefs, ideas, and opinions! When you do you will be amazed at how opportunities and possibilities open up in your life.
Now, maybe up to this point you haven’t been comfortable about giving the gift of being yourself to yourself, but we know you are very good at doing for others or you wouldn’t be a Burnout Queen! So here’s the thing…with more and more opportunities in your own life you have more ways to touch others, open doors for them, encourage them and lift them up! Now that feels really good.
The clock is about to strike midnight on the year, but it’s never too late! In fact, it is always the perfectly right time to be the woman you were meant to be. Get ready to stand up bravely and boldly and say…
Hey World…this is ME!
And it’s COOL to be ME!
We love you Burnout Queens! Let the world know how great you are! It’s time to show up in your life…crown and all!

PS. The BOQs would love to hear from you! Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.
PPS! Introducing The Burnout Queens Christmas Chaos Charity Campaign 2015. This year we have a gift for you and a matched donation to WaterAid to uplift a young girl in a disadvantaged part of the world. Win-win! You get to conquer the dreaded holiday family gatherings once and for all, and a young girl gets a darn good education. Now that’s the holiday spirit Burnout Queen style! Join our Campaign here…
