
Left out of the party…create your own!

office celebrationLast night I was talking with my VIP clients who are designers.  They were feeling left out…

When design projects finish for a launch, these designers are never included in the after-party to celebrate the property development’s success….WWWWHHHATTT!  I couldn’t believe my ears.  Their design showroom is what ‘sells’ prospects on the building.  I have never heard anyone purchase an apartment/flat/condo stating I bought it for the empty box I walked into!!!!

I’ve seen their designs, they are beautiful and I would want to purchase the designed flat fully furnished!

So we all agreed

It’s frustrating to be left out of the high-5-ing moments, the slap-on-the-back congratulations for a job well done.  It is so important to be acknowledged for your creativity (especially when creativity is so personal), so we decided if you aren’t invited to the party, make a party for yourselves and your design team.

Now these two are creative and clever, so with invoices still outstanding to them (therefore little funds for a party) my suggestion of a picnic in the office complete with blanket on the floor and champagne was welcomed with open arms.  I knew I struck gold when I heard the giggles at the end of the international call line!

A ritual celebrating the end of a project, passing an academic thesis, or anything you have poured your blood, sweat and tears into from inception to reality is certainly worth a meaningful gesture of celebration.  Success needs acknowledging.

Well done design divas.  Enjoy the picnic and toast your success.  You deserve it!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx


Good things come in small packages!

f&mspecialWell, The Burnout Queens always say, if you’re waiting for the BIG things in life to make it worthwhile, you may be waiting a long time.

This beauty bundle arrived in a cardboard box today.  We totally expected to get our order of teas from the department store we love (Fortnum & Mason) in London.  It’s one of the little pleasures and indulgences we allow ourselves.  We’ve been having it delivered to our seaside home for over a year now and was just expecting to unpack the box of teas.

Surprise and delight…this little beauty box was thrown in unannounced and unexpected.  What do they say, good things come in small packages.  Well F & M delivered.  A little box of truffles…a small bit of luxury in an otherwise ordinary workday.

We are convinced more than ever, that it’s the small everyday events that add up to a pleasurable life.

Someone put the kettle on, we’ll all have tea!

Love,  The Burnout Queens xx



Assertiveness For HSPs!

A little effort takes away the ordinary

As a highly sensitive, intelligent and creative woman you may have a natural HSP tendency to ‘pause-to-check’.  Brief overview, ‘pause-to-check’ comes from our need for a little caution.

We can use this to our advantage by turning it into what we call ‘pause-to-respond’ moments and banish the regret of not getting across your idea clearly.  This way, when you do speak up you are heard perfectly!  Here’s how:

5 quick ways to power up your pause-to-respond skill.

  1. Buy time – Need a longer pause, be assertive with, “I’ll get back to you on that”.
  2. Ask Self – Take your ‘pause’ moment to consider what you really want to say.
  3. Silence can be golden. Maybe, just maybe, a non-response is the right way to go. Silence speaks volumes.
  4. Own what you want to say – If you have already responded, but had second thoughts (or 100th thought if an HSP!) return and re-say. “I’ve been thinking about what I said, and what I would have liked to say or truly meant was…”.
  5. Respond thoughtfully – Take your time and don’t be rushed. You may feel like it’s forever, but it will only take you seconds longer to speak thoughtfully and mindfully.

If you found these 5 quick responses helpful and want more of our HSP-specific gems all you have to do is become a member of The Realm! and enjoy your postcards every Sunday.

The Realm!, is a free club for women who want to Defy Ordinary.  We are creative, sensitive and ‘very’ global.  Register here and receive your instant member’s access information.

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Something’s new inside The Realm

postcard-bannerSomething’s new inside The Realm!

For our members of The Realm, we’ve archived all the Sunday postcards in the Reading Room inside the membership site.  Use your private log-in details and click the Reading Room icon to get all the links.

Why not use this opportunity to refresh your memory, take another read and redo your weekly assignment.  Remember, small steps, big impact.

In support of Defying Ordinary,  Love The Burnout Queens xx

PS:  If you aren’t a private member, but would love to join our global community of women as they creatively Defy Ordinary for themselves, feel free to register yourself.  You will get instant access to our community on facebook (private group) and all the materials in the member’s access area.  Register here:


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Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer