
The Big Leap times 10 years!

From Here to There!

From Here

We just cannot believe it has been a full decade that we left our home and country.  Last evening we were sitting in the Vancouver International Airport saying ‘shouldn’t we be nervous, or sad, or something?’  We weren’t, we were just quietly waiting for our one-way ticket to our new destination in life.

Brave or stupid?  Just feels right.  We had sold our condo, money in the bank, said good-bye to family, friends, neighbours and clients (although some would stay with us over skype), all our belongings except our luggage was packed into a container enroute across Canada to board a boat heading east!

A big leap of faith was starting to really happen.

I vividly remember looking out the window of the plane as we took off, looking back at my neighbourhood (we climbed right over it) and thought…’I don’t know what will happen or how it will turn out, but I’m open to whatever transpires’.

A long sleep, a beautifully calm flight and we landed in our new homeland.  The customs woman looked at our passports and VISAs and said, ‘welcome home‘.  Just such a deeply happy moment we had both waited for for the last 4 decades.  You couldn’t wipe the smiles off our faces, even after the 10 hour flight and time-change.

To There






So it’s official.  We live in England and over the next 10 or so days in honour of these 10 years,  we’ll give you a peek at the life we set up and are living from then until now (warts, pups and all)!

In the meantime…..


It’s International Happiness Day!

The Burnout Queens hope you are feeling happy today of all days.  Why not…March 20th is not only the first day of Spring, but International Happiness Day!  We actually didn’t know it existed, but we are happy that it does because it gives us all time to reflect on the goodness in our life (I’m sure you can find something darling).  

Happiness Day got us thinking about some fabulous resources that you might like to indulge in, but first why not try this little quiz.



What did your voice tell you?  a) happiness is nowhere  OR  b) happiness is now here

Well, the differences are stark aren’t they.  Does this sentence give you a glimpse into your attitude and approach to life and your feelings?  Well…

If you read (B) then you will be feeling quite happy about how things are going.  If you read (A) then you might take this Day of Happiness to seek some inspiration on how to, well, ‘feel happy’

The Burnout Queens recommend these resources.

  1. Happiness Now!  Timeless wisdom for feeling good fast. (by Robert Holden, PhD)

           2.  be happy.  release the power of happiness in YOU (by Robert Holden, PhD)

And for those who love research:

           3. Stumbling on Happiness (by Daniel Gilbert)


Here’s to a day of happiness!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer