Dr Bev Dr Toby Silverton McLagan Coaching frazzled exhaustion overwhelm women’s health work-life balance perfectionism. symptoms of burnout

The Motivation Dilemma…Stop Sitting and Waiting!

motivation dilemma

Oh how we have come to dread hearing the ‘M’ word!  You know the one…

♦       I have no motivation.

♦       I just can’t get motivated.

♦       I don’t know what will motivate me.

♦       I’ve lost my motivation!  (Quick call search and rescue!)

Oh the motivation dilemma!  If you are waiting to be ‘struck’ by motivation, kind of like lightning, it’s not a good bet given that lightning never strikes twice in the same place!  So much for motivation.  Well, you don’t have to wait for the heavens to part, motivation is in each and every one of us right now, tomorrow, and each and every day after that.  “Great”  you say, “so how do I find it?” (Ahhhhhhhh!)

You don’t find motivation…

You don’t get hit by divine motivation…

You live motivation!

Motivation is in the doing.  Motivation takes commitment and follow-through.  It’s about action.   If you sit and wait for motivation, you could be waiting a very long time, a lifetime even!  Have you got the patience for that?   No, you have to get up and do, get up and try, sometimes over and over again if you want to feel motivated.

Try this…think about something that you have been waiting to be motivated to do.  Now ask yourself,  “Why am I waiting and what exactly am I waiting for?”  Wouldn’t you get more satisfaction and pleasure from actually digging in and doing it?  You certainly would get more results!

You ‘find’ motivation when desire and action share the same path.
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The thing is, if we really want something we usually do it.  For instance,  I want to order-in dinner tonight, no problem with my motivation.  How about taking Friday afternoon off?  I’ve got motivation galore!  So question number one just has to be,

If you absolutely aren’t motivated to act, is it something you truly want to do?

It’s pretty simple, next time you are waiting for motivation to hit, get honest about what you want to do or what the desired outcome is for you.  Then after consideration, you still want to do it, just start.  Take a step NOW.  You will love yourself!  Once you begin to see motivation as a verb rather than a noun the sky is your limit!

Darling, doing is a choice, so get up,get moving and get motivated!

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

P.S.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.

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