weight scaleMore often these days I am hearing from VIP clients how teetering on the edge of burnout is accompanied by problematic eating changes and the resultant weight gain.

One client identified eating changes as one of the first symptoms of burnout that emerges for her.  She was able to identify this pattern while working through our programme Escape Your Burnout Trap. Each time she was heading into burnout her eating would get out of control and her weight would go up.

Other clients realise after the fact that the exhaustion and constant pressure of difficult work situations led to not taking care of themselves by not grocery shopping or preparing healthy food, not getting to the gym, or relying on take-away foods when leaving the office late at night.

We talk about ‘false cures’ associated with burnout, things we do to fool ourselves into thinking we are ‘feeling better’:  drinking more, smoking more, using over-the-counter drugs to sleep amongst a few.  I think we better put eating right up there in the top false cures that women use to soothe the tension, stress, and pressure that accompanies burning out.

The Burnout Queens

PS:  Can you relate?  Leave your comment in the realm!