burnout in careers

Are you receiving feedback or criticism

A recent Inc.com article caught my eye. “It Took Sheryl Sandberg Exactly 2 Sentences to Give the Best Career Advice You’ll Hear Today”.

Well that sounded pretty impressive, so when I opened it up it really was talking about her opinion on receiving feedback. Excellent I thought, because the women we work with are highly sensitive and often can spot so-called feedback for what it really is ‘criticism’.

Read this article and see why feedback (even on the negative spectrum) can be a positive force for opportunity and criticism…well can just be hurtful and unhelpful.  (The Article)

Well, have you finished?  What do you think?  Leave your comments below.

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Seeking Beauty


“Oh I can’t afford beautiful things”…

How often I hear this from women who are in jobs they hate, barely making ends meet and thinking they won’t find beauty in their life until something changes.

Well, something can change and that something is how we seek beauty.

You don’t have to purchase anything to have beauty in your life.  Here’s one of the ways I seek beauty.

Stress instantly gets replaced by beauty when I walk into a beautiful florist shop.  Gorgeous flower displays in a shop window entice me in.  I just let the colours, smells and atmosphere start filling my brain with happiness.  It’s a beautiful thing.

As always, thank you Florian the Florist, Hove!  It’s always a delight to step inside your shop!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx



Quirky doesn’t mean crazy!

sunglass FreddieThis page on our website (you’ve been to our website right!) gets people breathing a sigh of relief every time they read it!

If you’ve heard you are ‘too’ something all your life, you might want to check out our Top 14 ‘too’ words that sum up being highly sensitive.

Have a read and remember, it doesn’t make you crazy…just sort of quirky.


Top 14 “YOU’RE TOO” phrases Highly Sensitive People hear!

  1. ‘too’ emotional
  2. ‘too’ shy
  3. ‘too’ intense
  4. ‘too’ serious
  5. ‘too’ moody
  6. ‘too’ artsy
  7. ‘too’ idealistic
  8. ‘too’ neurotic

There are more obviously but it all ends with You’re Just Too Sensitive!

Have you heard these ‘too’ words all your life?  They don’t make you crazy, although we bet you have felt like you were every time you heard them.  No, these just mean you are a HSP – Highly Sensitive Person.

At the Burnout Queens we celebrate being Highly Sensitive!  We’re HSPs ourselves, and we are No shrinking violets!   Being an HSP means you are strong, bold, creative, quirky, and much more.  Find out what it really means to be highly sensitive and how it affects everything from your identity to your relationships.

Highly Sensitive

The #1 feedback on this page is…”thank you, I thought I was just crazy all my life!” Nectar to our ears!

Embrace the True You!   The Burnout Queens xx

I Work Differently Now and Love It!

staycation time

Over the last months we have been working, working, working on new programmes, by choice…but have to say…working ‘overtime’ certainly doesn’t resemble the past.  Then it was 18 hour days; racing from office, to hospital, to university, to private practice, then home quickly to look after ill cats and aging parents.  It was madness but necessary and unavoidable.

On the contrary, these days work often starts with a quiet dog walk to the park, a breakfast looking out the roof terrace at the English Channel, a walk to the local for bread and dinner dessert, a play time with dogs, and afternoon tea break to clear the head.

Sounds too good to be true?  Sometimes it feels it!  After living a life of unrelenting stress and strain and driving ourselves into the ground (literally) this new life of enlightened balance  (aka burnout-free lifestyle) makes our hearts sing!

And that’s blissful!

Can you make a few changes to your usual routine to make life more enjoyable?

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

An HSP opinion of being gracious

2 women whispering 1

If someone shares their dream, vision, or idea with you and you see they are clearly excited …

What do you do?  How do you respond?  What do you say?

When I share my enthusiasm about starting a new venture, challenging myself personally, or uprooting my life, I am generally met with great curiosity, support and love from those around me (except my mother of course, but darlings, that’s a whole other story).

I’ve also met those who are  shocked that I will do what I say I want to do “Oh, you mean you’re actually going to Do this (incredulous tone required!) and then

I’ve met those who feel the deep need to be negative, warn you and wonder what’s gotten into you lately? (omg, I know someone who hated what you’re about to do). Why must they warn me or save me from my own choices I wonder?   Can’t they just be happy for me?

So I have to ask, what is the cost of being gracious, even if their choice isn’t yours?

Here’s my best advice the next time someone shares their hopes and dreams with you…

Think before you share and offer

Grace if you must speak.


In love and support

The Burnout Queens xx

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