How was your December Darling? We hope you are resting-up after the hectic, frantic antics of the festive season. The Burnout Queens and Pups are having a leisurely holiday break and will be ‘back in the saddle’ in early January.
We love surrounding ourselves with beauty and holiday time in London fits the bill nicely. We tripped up to London for a day of walking, shopping and sightseeing in Piccadilly (outside The Ritz) and Carnaby Street (we’re 60’s children so Carnaby means a special groovy) to soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the decorations.
This holiday was purposely quieter than last (we had 5 family members from Canada visiting, ho, ho, ho). This is our first Christmas seaside so we shared meals with new friends, walked The Lanes and Laines (yes they are different), started a new puzzle (what were we thinking) and got creative redecorating and reorganising (the pups think these are great toy balls).
Of course there’s been a lot of cuddling the pups, eating chocolates and watching telly cause that’s the perfect mix for these two HSPs. But you know us, we are never far away from a good cup of tea and cake!
Listen, if your holidays didn’t go to plan and you swear you’re tossing the whole thing next year, take heart darling and grab our video “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Chaos”. We’ve extended our Christmas Chaos Charity Campaign to January 5th, so here’s your chance to make next year more delightful rather than dreadful! The bonus is with a mere £2 purchase, we (that’s you, us and the UK gov’t) give a young girl an education instead of spending her days walking miles to gather water. How Burnout Queen brilliant!
What’s left? We have lots of ideas swimming in our heads ready to put down on paper for all of you, but more about that later. For now…
Love for 2016!