Hello from the English countryside!

Hello from Lewes & London from the Burnout Queens!

Hello from Lewes & London! 11 November 2017

Hello from London & Lewes

The October ritual season is upon us. Of course we bring old rituals with us from Canada and have adopted new rituals over the last eight years in the UK.  If there is one thing that signifies Autumn arriving it’s the flight of geese overhead and the appearance of gourds, pumpkins and little black witches sitting in the weekly market stall.
Our first UK ritual began attending art exhibitions and fairs.  Our favourite ‘never miss’ is now the Affordable Art Fair in London.  Creativity on tap over tea and croissants.  Just a great day out every year.


Hallowe’en in North America as many of you know is a big thing.  The UK is just catching on, but we were prepared. Alas, no children, so we were forced (!) to eat the candies ourselves.  When it comes to costumes we have not been disappointed, as Lewes Bonfire Night is something really, really big in the UK.  It starts mid-day with the town shutting all it’s transportation, boarding up the high street shops and dressing for the evening celebrations and parades.



We had been warned that this is a parade and fireworks like nothing we had ever experienced before.  We were told it would be a good idea to take the pups away for the weekend as the canon booms and fireworks shook the houses.  But we are The Burnout Queens so we stayed to make it yet another ritual that we were preparing for.  A ‘pet remedy’ plugin to chill the dogs (it absolutely worked and seems an understatement given the noise outside), and a magnificent view of the fireworks from our kitchen window.


The parade of pirates, military, Native Indians and Zulus, 80 people deep, carrying flaming sticks and crosses through the street, up through the castle keep and out to the High Street where they were met by Highland Pipers all proceeding down to meet at the War Memorial was a sight to behold. Wreathes and prayers over, the fireworks began and the skies around Lewes were filled with red smoke and what we fondly call the ‘boom, boom, sparkleys so the dogs don’t freak out.



Rituals are what makes our lives here in England interesting.  Although we often share our everyday chores, teas and walks, these extra special rituals are icing on the cake (and you know us with cake)!

We hope you have great rituals that give you joy and mark your year in  special ways.  Of course, the next big ritual is growing close, and you know what that means…ho, ho, ho!

Here’s a proper newspaper picture of Lewes Bonfire Night…and yes…the house shook!


Until next month.  Happy boom, boom, sparkleys!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

P.S:  If you have pictures of rituals that mark your years, we would love to see them.  Share them in the comments section of our blog (http://www.theburnoutqueens.com/blog)

Hello from Lewes & London! 7 October 2017

Hello from London & Lewes

September and The Burnout Queens hopped the train to London to ‘get cultured’ at the Victoria & Albert museum.  A stunningly beautiful exhibit of dresses by Balenciaga. If you are in London in the next few months, put this stop on your tour list.


Dr T wrote this in our Sunday’s postcard to The Realm members!

“As we exclaimed our way through the exhibit I began to remember why I had fallen in love with fashion when I was a young teen.  Oh, the delight of it!  I began to recall the pure excitement of picking a pattern, choosing a fabric and then indulging in pure creativity.  I feel a sewing bee coming on.”

As museum members we took ourselves to lunch in the member’s room (as you do) and what a delight that was.  Top floor conservatory with old world charm and modern accessories.

It was opening day and surprise…the computers were having problems, so lunch was on-the-house!  You know what The Burnout Queens always say, “expect the unexpected”.  It was the perfect end to our visit to the museum.

Before catching the train back home, we had a few errands to do so we walked our socks off (no we didn’t actually have socks on) back to Chelsea and went into the department store only to be met with more unexpected images.  It seems Christmas is on it’s way!  These pics were taken specifically to make the Canadian niece green with envy (it worked because she is addicted to Christmas)!


Of course I always love seeing my old London landmarks when arriving and departing London by train.  I’ve been using Battersea Park Power Station as my joyful moment of recognising London since the 60’s when we first made a trip over.  It never dims my excitement.  All these years later, when I see the 1069 castle lit up in my new Town I get that same feeling.


At the end of September, the little man had his teeth cleaned.  Well, fourteen teeth extractions later (yes you read that right, apparently it’s the breed) he’s still the goofy-little Alf we love, but now gumming it in his middle years.  Next month is birthday number 8 and I bet you he has enough teeth left to down a whole cupcake in style.  After all he is one adorable Burnout Pup!

Hoping your September was cultured, full of memories and adorable moments too.

Until next month,

Embrace Life!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

P.S:  If you are curious about The Realm postcards, click through here to grab your first Sunday mailout and membership.


Hello from Lewes & London! 2 September 2017

Hello from London & Lewes

“To market, to market, to buy a…home again, home again…”

Happy September everyone!  Do you recognise this nursery rhyme?  The Burnout Queens certainly do (but maybe it’s only from a certain era).

To market, to market shopping is part of that designed lifestyle we’ve been talking about lately.   It encompasses all the choices we make about ‘self-care’ (don’t sneer at self-care, it’s ultimately what gives you the umph to your day).  We placed specific criteria on our self-care; exercise, health, nutrition and joy.  The reward for our forward thinking and planning was being able to put ALL of this into play in our current town.  In fact, it’s even more than we designed.

How…well come to market with us…

‘To market’ means walking there and back, not driving (okay when it’s really awful weather it’s ordered online but rare). It’s so exciting to walk through the 11th C castle keep to the High Street (bonus walking on cobble stones enhances balance and focus to avoid breaking ankles) and down a narrow lane to peak in cute little cottages (guilty of peaking and proud of it).

The market is always buzzing with people, food and flowers.

And then there’s that moment of utter surprise and delight that we just don’t experience on a market shop!

Home again…home again…jiggity jig…

When we’re done, it’s off home, climbing and puffing uphill, but not before running into entertainers heading for the market to spread some extra joy.

Oh and sometimes ‘to market’ doesn’t always go to plan and we get soaked with rain instead of sunshine.  Poor Dr T (shoulda left the sunglasses and packed the umbrella instead)….run darling!  We laughed ourselves silly and sloshed all the way home.  Once the walk, the shop, the tea (which we didn’t include), the entertainment and the hike were done…what’s left are the spoils for the week!  Fresh, nutritious and downright colourful.

Who knew the weekly shop could be so healthy for you.  Self-care on steroids with a gentle creative twist.   We encourage you to enjoy your own brand of self-care.

Until next month,

Embrace Life!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

Hello from Lewes & London! 5 August 2017

Hello from London & Lewes

“Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together, drawing them from their homes.” (Clare Ansberry)

It’s August already and The Burnout Queens are enjoying Beauty.  That’s the theme of this month’s ‘Hello from London and Lewes’.

Beauty is close to our soul.  We long for it, search for it, and try to create it wherever we are (it’s part of the intentional life design we talk about).  It couldn’t be more true when it comes to the little English gardens we discover on our many walks.  We always take the time to pause and look because they fill us with such delight.  We often say, ‘how beautiful is that!’ or ‘what a gorgeous idea’.  These little gems redefine the meaning of garden and beauty.

There’s no time like the present.  Gardeners here don’t wait until they buy the house with the perfect front or back yard to build a ‘proper garden’.  Any inch of space serves as a blank canvas to create the colour and pleasure of a garden.  It’s truly a style unto itself.  We love it and never fail to be surprised!

No lawn at your front door?  Then curb appeal it is…

Lewes UK

Lewes UK


Lewes UK

Live above the street?  No park in sight?  There is always a little green-thumb spot at the back of a shop to enjoy…

Lewes UK

Lewes UK


There are gardens roadside and gardens at the back of the pub (they even have competitions for these ones)…

Lewes UK

Lewes UK


There are gardens that hang and even gardens at the top of castle walls.

Lewes UK


Take a page from the Brits, something right under our nose no matter how big or in these cases small, can create something divine.  So lovelies…

Don’t hope, wish, or wait…create beauty wherever you are.

Until September enjoy the rest of summer.  No go ahead and do it…

Embrace Life!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

Hello from Lewes & London! 8 July 2017

Hello from London & Lewes

“Home is where your soul singssays Dr T.  “A lifestyle that makes you happy doesn’t just happen, it is a lifestyle that is designed”.

July brings an anniversary for The Burnout Queens, so this is our special anniversary edition of ‘Hello’…and be warned, it’s not the touristy thing you expect…it’s us up close, in person, and definitely quirky.  July 3rd, 2009 (eight years ago) we were waiting for our flight to a new land and new adventures. To say we were bold (some said crazy) is an understatement!  It was goodbye Canada and hello London.

Burnout Queens


Keeping in mind what Dr T said, we began to live our preliminary outline of what we wanted life to be in our new country.  We had the basics, but then the lifestyle started to unfold as we lived it.  Life now is about enjoying tea and cake, always tea darling…


And we couldn’t wait to see and learn more about art (we’re getting good at it now), explore gardens (can always use an extra pair of boots), and soak in the beauty that is London…



Newness means we celebrate differently, push ourselves to do things differently (like attend an upscale launch party way out of our comfort zone) and learn to enjoy the rewards of relaxing into an everyday rhythm and style that suits us.


We have met some lovely people, seen amazing architecture, and visited history in a way we never would have imagined possible.  And the icing on the cake (with tea of course) has been the walks, snuggles, and fun with two little pups to round out the pack…


After eight years we know there will always be tea with everything we do ‘cause The Burnout Queens do nothing in life that doesn’t involve tea…and cake of course.  Wonder what the next eight years will bring?!?

See you again in August.  Remember…

Embrace Life!

The Burnout Queens | Dr Toby and Dr Bev

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