Tantrum or tiara moment?

gold-crown2So ladies who were raised and trained to burn out, time to share what’s purcolating under that crown of yours….

If you read our newsletter “Who should we blame for burnout? Mum of course!” (http://bit.ly/1hHLpD6) you’ll want to answer our question…

When you put your foot down to say NO or set limits for others, do you feel it’s a tantrum or tiara moment?  Do you feel you are stamping your feet to get what you want, or…do you feel like you are claiming your personal power?

Leave us your opinion…it’s important to us.

The Burnout Queens

Who should we blame for burnout? Mum, of course!

bathing-beautiesOh, it’s ok, we’re only teasing!  We just wanted to hear the audible gasp of indignation since Mums get blamed for everything!  However, having said that, there is a modicum of truth in the statement!  As women we are raised and trained to burnout!

Why? It’s called sex role training, or in the biz…the pinks and the blues!  No don’t go groaning, this is important stuff.  We know it is no longer the 1950s, 1960s, or even the 1970s (thank goodness, the fashion!) but did you really think we had reached a time where little girls and little boys are raised the same?  Sorry, afraid not.  Sex-role stereotyping, although in some ways may have gone underground with political correctness, is still going strong.

So we ask the question (as we tentatively raise our heads above the parapet)  “Why did our Mum’s raise and train us to burnout?”

Mums just did what they were supposed to do, raise us to be the spitting image of them!   Let’s just get this out of the way once and for all, we are not in the business of blaming Mums for everything in the Universe (even with all our background in psychotherapy)!  Not at all.  However, the reality is, even though we live mid-21st century, Mums still do most of the child-raising.  We’re not even touching the politics of that one, it’s just the way it still is.

What’s important is until we understand what makes us as women so prone to burning out we will just keep raising our next generation of daughters and granddaughters to do the same.  It’s time to change the inheritance!

More than likely we were raised to be good little girls: helpful, nice, and polite.  We were taught to play cooperatively,  not competitively.  We were praised for sharing our toys without complain or whining.  We were taught to be neat, tidy, careful, and probably cautious.  We were taught that risks were for boys, which means we came to see risk as, well, too risky.

Girls are raised to be more dependent than independent.  (Hold your fire, it’s not our fault!)  In fact, it’s well researched that little girls are encouraged to stay close to home with Mum, where little boys are ‘expected’ to explore wider afield.  Why?  Well little boys have to let go of Mum and identify with Dad, little girls need to stay close to Mum so they can learn their ‘appropriate’ sex role.  It’s ‘no-fault’ parenting at its best: it just is and probably always will be.

We have been subtly discouraged from asserting our values and beliefs, and from demanding our personal power.  No one “likes” a powerful little girl!  Horrors, she may be bossy or strong-willed!  However, in stepping back from our rightful power we are taught to say ‘yes’ to others, but ‘NO’ to ourself.

In short, we end up believing we have no right to ask for more, to ask for what we want or need because that would appear too grabby, selfish, or assertive.  Instead, we end up not feeling important enough or good enough to get what we really really want.

All of this shapes our attitudes, beliefs, and way of living.  It shapes our choices of relationships and determines our choice of work.  It is a headliner in whether we find work that truly expresses who we are.  We end up not knowing, or disowning, our strengths, gifts and abilities.

Oh it’s true times have changed a lot but many women are still raised to sit on the side of the dance floor waiting to be asked.  This may be ok in a club, but it’s not ok in life.

It’s time to break the rules.  It’s time to embrace your Inner Queen; so grab your crown, take to the dance floor and lead!


One great tip:  Take a big risk this week (go on just one): Say NO, ask for more, stand up and be counted, make yourself heard!

Until next time, grab life by the crown!

Best thing to recover from burning out

disneylandThe best indicator that burnout is on it’s way out is to regain a sense of humour.  A sense of fun, light-heartedness is the antithesis of feeling life is beating you up and wearing you down.

Here’s a great example from our burnt out business owner’s email autoresponder–proof that burnout is fading and excitement is returning….”Thank you for your email. Please note I will be away from the office wearing Mickey Mouse ears from….  Happy Spring Break!”

Brilliant surprise to receive this.


Change it UP!

spiral staircaseChange it up!

Liberation from burnout is in large part about embracing change as an absolute constant in life.

When most of us think about change we think about changing stuff:  habits, things, relationships, work.

But change is spiritual; it requires faith, trust, courage, beliefe, honesty, and love.

Change makes you reach inside yourself and be alone with your desires and your fears.

You have to find the courage to step off into the unknown if you want a new beginning.

You have to begin trusting and listening to yourself, rather than others.

You have to reach inside yourself and surrender to some guiding force, intuition, inner whisper or set of beliefs you can count on.

Change makes you confront the truth about your wants and dreams, your shortcomings and your strengths.

Then you have to reach inside yourself and take responsibility for it all.

Change means having the courage to let go of the outcome, be open to the unexpected, and as a consequence find serenity, strength, and eventually yourself.

Change doesn’t have to be scary, it is the process of constant renewal When you discover that, you discover the point of being alive.


To Be (perfect)…or not to be?

double lightning boltSeems like we hit ANOTHER highly sensitive nerve with our last posting!  For many the £1 Million question is where to be perfect and where not to be?  Now, obviously I use the phrase ‘be perfect’ with tongue-in-cheek since we all here know that perfect is not attainable…we do all know that, right?  Good…moving on….

Make yourself a list of areas or things in your life where you want to pursue your perfectionism.  Yes, you heard it right…you are allowed to pursue your perfectionism!  Look over your list and question your values around each point and then add-in the realism factor.

Can you achieve perfection on any given point, have you the time to do that, is that important to you?  If you find a task that you still want to do ‘perfectly’, go for it.  Just set your limits and know ahead of time what is ‘perfect’ to you.  Make so called ‘perfect’ work for you not against you.

ONE GREAT TIP:  Don’t let others convince you that it is wrong to have a fabulous trait, like striving for perfect!  Own it, love it, redefine it, and work it!

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