Work-Life Balance

Burnout is not far off for her?


telephoneJust off a great call with a VIP client who is really putting her personal boundaries in place.  Being a health care professional kind of comes with her built-in belief that you are there to look after everyone else’s needs first, and of course there is some truth in that, but if you don’t look after your own needs physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually burnout is not far off.  Health care workers deal with very specific demands that tap into all  the triggers associated with burnout, so it is vitally important for them to understand burnout and stay aware of their own coping ability.

My brilliant client is actively and consciously beginning to put herself Front & Centre in the workplace.  In this case it means monitoring work load, making her needs known, saying ‘No’, sharing difficulties, and in particular dealing with a conniving colleague who has been making work life hell! (but that’s another blog)

Being aware of where her boundaries were letting her down and taking steps to shore them up is making a huge difference in her health, the outlook for her future career, and her sense of personal power.  For the future we’re working on preventing burnout.

The Burnout Queens

Are you looking after you this weekend?

picnicIt’s the long weekend here in the UK and in the US.  If you read our latest Feature Article here on the blog May 22nd (Don’t fall flat on your face from burnout…prevent it) then you know the importance of putting yourself Front & Centre in your life.

What better place to start than a long weekend.  So The Burnout Queens are asking…how are you feeding your soul this long weekend?

Will it be a picnic, a quiet read of that book you have been looking forward to, a movie, listening to music, taking in the beauty of an art gallery or designed garden, or just a great run in the park to feel strong? Share your way of feeding your soul at the bottom of this blog.

Whichever way you decide to live your long weekend, we hope you remember to count yourself Front & Centre in it all.

The Burnout Queens.


Wow I’m highly sensitive

sidebar-gld-hspJust opened up the mail at The Burnout Queens and found this great message from someone in Texas, USA. A very successful, creative, professional woman!

Wow, I just found out I am an HSP…Really, thanks for making me feel less crazy…I have been told I was too sensitive, too loud, stop your belly aching and too dramatic all my life.  It is exhausting to feel everything all the time.” dp (texa)

The Burnout Queens absolutely love receiving messages like this.  And it’s always the same cry…thanks for making me feel less crazy…powerful!

If you are wondering what an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) is, then you need not wonder any longer.  Just click through here and watch this short video.  It might absolutely change your life!

Thanks dp from Texas.  You are what we’re all about!


Don’t fall flat on your face from Burnout…Prevent it

The City from Tate Modern (Dr Bev’s blackberry)
The City from Tate Modern (Dr Bev’s blackberry)

Since we launched our new website a very few weeks ago we have heard that we actually made burnout  “cool, sexy, and funky”!  We’ve even had someone tell us that they “wished they were burned-out so they could join the realm!”  Great!  We love the enthusiasm BUT you definitely don’t have to be flat on your face from burnout to join the Burnout Queens.  Not at all!  Our biggest hope is that you stop living a burnout lifestyle and prevent yourself from falling flat on your face from burnout.  (In fact burnout makes you accident prone so falling flat on your face is more than just a turn of phrase!  Would you believe it, one of our lovely Burnout Queens actually did take a dive and broke her beautiful nose!)

If we could pick just one thing from our repertoire that would prevent you from burning out what would we pick?  That’s easy!  Put yourself Front & Centre in your life.  That means you taking you and your life seriously.

We wouldn’t think of implying that you aren’t serious about everything you do in life (some of you even get serious about playing) but really, truly, we know your natural tendency is to make sure that everybody else has everything they need and want before you focus on yourself!

There are too many advantages to count to putting yourself  ‘Front & Centre’ in your life, so here’s the crowning glory.  When you live from Front & Centre you will follow your dreams, find your interests, acknowledge your needs, know what you want, choose healthy relationships, and embrace being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

Sound too good to be true?  What’s the catch?  (tick, tick, tick…thinking) that’s right, there is none!  Life only gets better and better when you choose Front & Centre.  The only thing that can get in your way (ok maybe a couple) is listening to other people who actually like you putting them first (I’m sure you all have one or two of these in your life, I know I do) or listening to the Mind Chatter that is going on in your head,( shhh, listen…)  “I can’t put myself first I have kids;  I’m being selfish;  It’s not nice to be self-centred;  Who do you think you are?  I can’t ask for that, I’ll be a nuisance.”   That’s Mind Chatter whispering or shouting at you to get back in line (that would be behind everyone else in your life)!  Being Front & Centre means believing in yourself and all of your gifts and strengths.  When you do, you will show up BIG TIME in your life…crown and all!  That means more you for you, and more you for those other important people in your life.  It’s a win all around!

We will be rolling out, red carpet and all of course, plenty of classes and programmes, videos and audios all aimed at upping both your skill and capacity to put yourself  Front & Centre in your life.  In the meantime, take time to practice your new attitude!


Here’s one great tip!

Visualisation!  Imagine a big ballroom and at one end is a gorgeous velvet and gilt throne; make it any colour you want.  This is where you need to be, this is where you are headed.  It is from this throne that you will direct your life.  See yourself walking straight down that red carpet, donning your tiara and taking your seat.  Sit tall, settle in and make yourself comfy. You have just taken your first and most important step to banishing burnout!  You are Front & Centre in your life.

Until next time, grab life by the crown!   

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Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer