Work-Life Balance

Unplugging from social media and ‘going human’ for a day!

Can you?  Would you dare?  Is it possible for you to leave social media alone for one day and ‘go human’?

Did I just hear an almighty gasp!?!

Ask yourself this….  Will my social media ‘friends’ who I have never met (and probably never will) care if I have no post, tweet, pin or media footprint online for one day?

The Burnout Queens see people out and about having a good time, but instead of experiencing and focusing on the time they are having, they are focused on recording the moment to quickly upload to their thousands of friends.  What is going on?  Before digital and instant sharing, we just had fun and then ‘shared’ the memories with others after we returned home…not during!   No wonder we aren’t quiet, reflective and truly connected any longer.

Here’s the challenge.  Get out of your tech-mode and step into life-mode for one day.  Speak to people instead of tweeting with them.  Walk with friends and enjoy their company.  Call and chat instead of sending an email.  If you are on your own sit in a café and watch others.  It just might spark a spontaneous chat with a fellow human, rather than your android (it even sounds strange writing this).

See you in 24 hours…we’re unplugging and going human!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

4 Steps to Change Successfully

Here are the 4 most important things you need to do today to ensure you succeed with your unique Change style.

Our clients over the decades put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into changing how they think, feel and respond in situations in their lives.  When they successfully follow a few basic changes, they feel invigorated, bold and like they found the ‘keys to the kingdom’.  Divas all of them!

This is how they did it, why not try it yourself!

First, have a good read of our latest Feature Article (click here) and then…

Second:  Decide what change means to you…

Is it risk taking, adventure, stress or something else?

Is change imposed on you…or…chosen by you?

Third:  Find a role model for change, either fictional or real  (it can even be someone you see walking through a revolving door). 

What is it you admire about how she changes things or herself in her life?

How does she approach change and what happens if  she doesn’t succeed at it?

Fourth:  And this is obvious if you read the article…Go find a revolving door and go through it, more than once if you have to, to find out your style.

Why not take an unsuspecting friend with you and surreptitiously watch them go through a revolving door.  Ask yourself…does it match her style?

You can share your secret motive and a good laugh with her over tea later!

Go on!  Find that revolving door and you might find out something extremely important about what help you succeed or keep you being the ‘same old, same old’ you are tired of being!

Cheers, The Burnout Queens xx

4 Thoughts That Signal It’s Time to Change

Your Revolving Door Style | How to become a Diva of change

How do you know when it is time to embrace change?

    • When life smacks you upside the head and you get jolted out of complacency…it might be time.
    • If you find yourself fantasizing about “how life would be” if, or you are envious of other peoples’ adventures…it might be time.
    • If you get up in the morning with a sinking feeling about work, a relationship, or your major at school…it might be time.
    •  If you feel a desire bursting inside you that you have ignored for years…it might be just the time.

If you still need clarification about when and how to change, read our last Feature Article about Becoming the Diva of Change.


Are you receiving feedback or criticism

A recent article caught my eye. “It Took Sheryl Sandberg Exactly 2 Sentences to Give the Best Career Advice You’ll Hear Today”.

Well that sounded pretty impressive, so when I opened it up it really was talking about her opinion on receiving feedback. Excellent I thought, because the women we work with are highly sensitive and often can spot so-called feedback for what it really is ‘criticism’.

Read this article and see why feedback (even on the negative spectrum) can be a positive force for opportunity and criticism…well can just be hurtful and unhelpful.  (The Article)

Well, have you finished?  What do you think?  Leave your comments below.

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Ex-client dropped me a line

I love opening my inbox to pleasant surprises.

Periodically and unexpectantly I hear from past clients out of the blue.  It always starts with “I don’t know if you remember me, but I wanted to let you know” .  The truth is, I remember all of them!


In my work as a therapist and coach I often witness the planting of new seeds, new ideas, new dreams in women who want to cultivate a good life for themselves.  It’s a privilege and responsibility to help them design and create their lives.

Sometimes I am not present for the full blossoming of  such a new and inspiring spirit.  I wonder whatever happened to so-and-so.  Where did she end up.  I hope she is living happily.   And then I wake to this kind of email.  I smile and cry as I read this from a young 20 something who is now 40 something as she shares the blossoming and depth of her life.

I have always made one request of my women clients…never settle, be happy and inspire another woman’s life when you can.  

So get ready, really ready to be inspired!

“This message is for Bev. I wonder if you remember me? You have helped many people through the years, and I was one of them twenty years ago. My name is Deirdre M. I just wanted to tell you that your influence in my life has changed – and continues to inform – me in many ways. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Guess where I am right now? I am at the eating disorder clinic in Castlegar, BC, waiting to see a client. How I remember when I was sitting where she sits today. I received my masters in counselling this past year, and work for Interior Health in the Kootenays. I am raising a daughter who is almost 16. I have a wonderful life, and you had so much to do with that! My best friend is still Maria, whom you also counselled. She lives in New York, and we meet up at least twice a year and go travelling.

I’m sure you hear stories of gratitude often enough, but maybe one cannot hear that often enough. I am inspired by the life you two seem to be living – congratulations! I also want to get a PhD, but that will wait a few years.

Thanks again – I hope you are having a wonderful fall!

Much love,   Deirdre”

Thanks Deirdre for allowing me to share this and to inspire other women to move forward in their lives with a sense of not knowing, but becoming who they are meant to be!

Love, Dr B (The Burnout Queens)


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