
Easy tip to stop worrying and get doing

vintage writing deskI have a new writing project on my to-do list this week.  Instantly my anxiety, self-doubt and worry rear their ugly heads; will I say it right, will it make sense, does it need to be said… and on and on I go erecting hurdles to make the task difficult.  Unfortunately I haven’t even started!

This is such a typical hurdle for HSP’s gripped with mind chatter and performance anxiety (guilty as charged)

Here’s a tip I used that helped me get over myself.

I sent an email to my blackberry with a confidence boosting message + the 3 steps needed to get the project done: ‘we can do this:  1 topic–3 talking points–2 exercises’.    While working, I glanced at it periodically just to stay on point.

Simple and it actually worked.  Hope it helps you as well.   Dr Bev xx


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