photo courtesy of Caroline True Photography

We believe it is time for you to stop trying to be ordinary.  It is time for you to live up to your full potential and harness your extraordinary, and that means it is time for us to talk about Peak Performance.

We have always received ‘static’ for using the term ‘peak performance’: it’s too masculine, it’s too performance oriented, it’s all about ‘jocks’!  So we tried many different ways of saying ‘peak performance’ but they all just sound kind of lame.  Peak performance is peak performance.  The problem is that most people don’t understand what it actually means.

What do you think about when we say ‘peak performance’?  Maybe you have the image of super-athletes, mega-performers, ‘city boys’ earning millions, astronauts, inventors, or corporate giants.  We are pretty sure that you don’t automatically think…

Peak Performer, there’s a creative, open, relaxed, caring, sensitive, thoughtful, well adjusted and healthy individual!

Well peak performers are all of that and more.  We just connected the dots and realised that most Highly Sensitive women, women who are by nature prone to burnout, are also uniquely positioned for peak performance.

Peak performance, full potential, or living your extraordinary, however you want to think of it, is a state of being that is well within your reach.  Oh we sense your skepticism but we are absolutely, gloriously serious about your potential to swap out your burnout lifestyle for one that brings you peace and  happiness, as well as an amazing sense of accomplishment both inside yourself and in your world.

So lets get right to it and spell out all the personal qualities, attitudes, and skills that can put you on the path to peak performance instead of burnout.  (Here’s a little secret, being a Burnout Queen means you already have them all!)

Peak performers are exquisitely attuned to their inner world.  They love being in a continual process of self-exploration and reflection.  This is where they thrive.  It’s exciting to them to ‘deep dive’ (a graceful swan dive of course!) and discover new parts of themselves, new ways of seeing things, new capacities, and ever expanding potential.

They love new ideas, innovative ways of problem solving, and often ‘see’ novel and unique solutions where others don’t.  They are no stranger to those ‘ah hah’ moments where the elusive suddenly, intuitively, creatively, becomes crystal clear.

Peak performers don’t worry about remaining in their comfort zone.  That is just too ordinary!   As Divas of change they are always willing to be challenged, to explore, discover, learn, and grow.

They are passionate and committed.  They live from a sense of mission and purpose.  They are dedicated and committed.

Peak Performers are passionate doers.  They aren’t just about ideas.  Oh no, they don’t waste their energy procrastinating, they ‘get doing’.

They are naturally both realistic and idealistic.  They are both practical and innovative.  They believe in excellence in all they do, but don’t get trapped by perfectionism.  Peak Performers are self-disciplined, hard working, and have stick-to-it-ness galore.

Peak performers do what they want to do.  They choose goals fully from within.  Because they pursue goals that are inner directed, they experience less stress and frustration than those of us who get stuck doing what others expect of us.

They are most definitely Big Picture Thinkers.  They see everything as open to being questioned, tested, and transcended.  Not only do they think outside of the box, they are willing to throw the box away if that is what is needed.

Now there persists this stubborn myth in society that individuals (especially creative ones and especially women) who are high achieving, directed, idealists, and who believe you can reach the stars are by definition also stressed out, maladjusted, or lonely creative misfits.  Well, myth be gone!

Peak performers are commonly found to be among the most well-adjusted, healthy, connected, satisfied, and fulfilled individuals.

The very qualities that promote peak performance also promote health, well being, and contribute to an enhanced sense of self-identity.  I think that is exactly what all of us Highly Sensitive, creative women are striving for.

Do you know what the greatest obstacle to peak performance is?  It’s not about lacking some extraordinary skill or being supremely gifted, no the obstacle is believing that peak performance doesn’t apply to you, you don’t have what it takes, or simply cannot achieve such heights.    In stark contrast, peak performers see themselves as capable, accomplished, and successful.  They don’t accept limiting beliefs about themselves.  We are here to attest to the fact that the path to burnout is littered with such limiting beliefs!

So, here are a few things to keep in mind as you point your perfectly pedicured toes in the direction of peak performance instead of burnout.

  • Stay more attuned to the inner experience of whatever it is you are doing instead of focusing on how others view you or judge you.
  • Stop feeling guilt about bunking off work to relax, play, and spend valuable time with others.
  • Believe in your own dreams and goals.  Believe they are achievable and doable, not unrealistic, impractical or ‘too’ creative.
  • Replace the concept of failure with a concept of learning.
  • Stop underestimating your potential.  You can harness your energy, drive, motivation, commitment, and dedication and begin to use these qualities in a way that leads to living in your full potential rather than living in a burnout lifestyle.
  • Hold-up to the light any and all limiting beliefs about yourself so that you can see all the holes in those beliefs and transcend them.

You are a Burnout Queen.  You are designed to discover and challenge yourself with new interests, directions, and activities while respecting and caring for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing

You are designed to live this way.  You are designed to live from a place of energy, intelligence, passion, soul, spirit, and your dreams.

You are designed for peak performance.
You are designed to Defy Ordinary.

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