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Red Knickers and a Cape! | Being A Super-Coper Could Be Your Ticket To Burnout

Red Knickers and a Cape! | Being A Super-Coper Could Be Your Ticket To Burnout

Quick, check your lingerie drawer!  If you find red knickers and a cape, you may be a Super-Coper.  You leap tall buildings in 4-inch heels, catapult over the glass ceiling, and perform acrobatic feats while juggling small children and grown adults alike!  Sure you may feel like you are walking a tightrope or precariously dangling from a trapeze, but no one else would ever catch-on because you are a Super-Coper.

So how can you tell if you have a super-heroine tucked away inside you?  Of course, the red knickers and cape is a dead give away!  After that (hmmm) you are likely female, probably a perfectionist, and most definitely the overly responsible one!  Super-copers are expected to handle it all…so they do.

Super-Copers rarely ask for help, never give-up, and make it all look astoundingly easy.

Here’s another thing, Super-Copers defy gravity!  It’s true (cross my heart) they have bounce.  They rarely, if ever, fall flat on their face despite the fact that their knees may be buckling under the load or they are teetering on the edge of burnout.

Most of us grew-up admiring super-heroines, who didn’t want to be Wonder Woman?  (I mean talk about an exciting lifestyle and BIG hair!)  However, if we have to get real here, (yes, my love, I’m afraid we have to) there are definitely drawbacks to being a Super-Coper.

For instance, not everyone loves a Super-Coper(Gasp!)  We know, hard to imagine,  what’s not to love about us.  Others want us to shoulder the load, sometimes demand that we shoulder the load, but then get a little cranky when we make it look ‘too’ easy.   Sometimes others perceive us as a ‘Little Miss Smarty Pants’ and resent the fact that we appear to handle it all effortlessly (sigh, we know differently).

No one sees the middle of the night worrying
about pulling it all off again tomorrow.

Super-Copers do whatever is necessary to solve problems, meet deadlines, or handle emergencies.  They don’t fall to their knees under the weight, they don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves, they don’t moan, winge, or whine, and they don’t beat their chest in the midst of a crisis.  (Usually because they’re too busy holding everyone else up and solving all their problems!) 

You won’t know when a Super-Coper is over-extended:
they often don’t know it themselves.

That is why it can be risky being a Super-Coper.  While you are busy being-all and doing-all you miss your own signs of exhaustion, overwhelm, or even illness.  Sometimes you simply ignore the signs because you believe you have no choice but to shoulder the load.

When you’re finally done, when you get the chance to catch your breath, the emotional impact hits.  We call this the Super-Coper Post-Party Crash.  You finally come down from the rush of stress hormones.  You may start feeling shaky, anxious, overwhelmed, or even sad or depressed.  You may even catch a cold or flu.  You most definitely end-up exhausted and depleted.

Here’s where it goes south, over-coping is so completely normal to you that you misinterpret this normal post-stress reaction as you ‘not handling things’ or as a sign of weakness which sends you running back to your wardrobe only to emerge wearing, you got it darling, red knickers and a cape!  Oh dear, you can see how the whole Super-Coper thing backfires!

You have been raised and trained to be a Super-Coper.  Family, friends, co-workers, pretty well everyone, have relied on you over and over again to be their super-heroine.  We would be willing to bet our crowns that you have filled this role from the time you were very young.  Even if you have been annoited the Super-Coper, you don’t have to agree to handle everything.

The time has come to be bold.  Stop letting others put you in this box, even when it comes gift-wrapped.

If you are a Burnout Queen you naturally have great problem solving skills and emotional fortitude.  You have life-coping skills that others don’t necessarily have or use.  You are strong.  There are just a few little gems you need to learn like setting limits for others, refusing requests, or letting others handle their own situations or problems. (Now that’s revolutionary!)

Being a Super-Coper is pretty special.  However, you need to recognise when you have donned your cape and gone over the top!

Being Super-Copers ourselves has allowed us to navigate some pretty steep slopes in life; our secret to preventing burnout in our lives is knowing how, when, where, and for whom to use our super-powers.

So, my love, go ahead embrace being a Super-Coper but please, promise no more leaping over tall buildings or saving the world!

Our last words of wisdom?  Lose the cape Darling but keep the red knickers because, you know, Burnout Queens live to defy ordinary!

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!

P.S.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below. 

The Cheerleader Dilemma | Hidden Barrier #3 | How Others Can Derail Your Plans

The Cheerleader Dilemma

Back in May we promised we would share three hidden barriers that can stop you from achieving all you want in your life including more balance, success, peace of mind, and less burnout.  We named Ambivalence as the first hidden barrier.  Ambivalence hides in the shadows of self-doubt.  Although by it’s very definition it’s ‘wishy-washy’ it can become a huge personal obstacle.  Well, my darling BOQ, not any more.  You know what to do when it comes to Ambivalence.

The second hidden barrier set to derail lifestyle plans comes from the inner impact change has.  For many Highly Sensitive sorts BIG change brings on an Identity Quake.  Wondering “Who will I be when I change?”  can be  particularly unnerving!

So, it is time for the third hidden barrier.  Ever heard the saying ‘misery loves company’?  Sadly, not everyone will cheer you on when you decide to upgrade your life plans.  Some of those around you will unconsciously attempt (and a few knowingly attempt) to keep you stuck in your old lifestyle.  Don’t underestimate how the opinions of others can affect your plans…pro or con.

We call it the ‘Cheerleader Dilemma’. 

Oh, they want to cheer you on but it’s that old fear of change.  Fear of you changing creates fear in them; fear that you are going to leave them in the dust!  In some ways their fears are grounded in reality.  Things, and you, won’t necessarily be the same and that creates tension.

Some people close to you will tell themselves (and probably tell you as well!) that they are saving you from yourself.  They truly believe they have your best interests at heart.  They want to save you from making a mistake, failing, or suffering a big disappointment.  It’s lovely that they want to protect you but it really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.

Life changes can pose a threat to friends and colleagues…and then there is family!

Families live via a family script.  Each and every member of the family is expected to follow that script, often without question.  It is assumed that everyone is in the same story, on the same page, and expecting the same ending.

What do you mean you want to change the whole plot line?

Even when the only part of the story you want to rewrite is yours it can trigger family discontent.  So, forewarned is forearmed, don’t be surprised or put-off if your rewrite isn’t exactly welcomed with open arms.

As you explore your new moves some people will come right out and tell you that you are being ‘naiive, unrealistic, selfish, or that you simply want too (there’s that word!) much’.  Others will be more, shall we say, subtle with their opinions.  Whatever their style of delivery the underlying message is the same,

When YOU change you upset MY world.

Well, they are right, the status quo is definitely changing and that is called life.  Being Highly Sensitive means you always take others feelings into account and you always give a ton of thought to every change you undertake.  Less than supportive messages from those you care about can trigger self-doubt, churn up your fears, and lead you to question whether you truly want or deserve the change you are after.

Well, my love, it is your life and your change so carry on!  Here is a super simple and very practical tip (and one that the BOQs have personally used time and time again).  Don’t just read it and think, “Yeah that’s a good idea!”  Do it and you will thank us, promise.

Write a short ‘explanation’ of the changes you are going to make.  Include why you want and/or need to make such a change.  Now practice.  Repeat your explanation out loud, over and over.  When the inevitable challenges and questions come, and they will, you will be ready with your answer.  Answer once and move on.  Do not deviate from your prepared response.  No apologies needed.  Do not rationalise your answer and definitely do not justify your answer.  You do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

Of course, not all the messages you get from others will be negative.  There will be true and cherished cheerleaders waving you on towards success.  Trust them. Believe in them believing in you.  It is great to have fans, supporters, and  believers.  It buoys you up when your own courage wobbles.  So, our darling BOQs, onward…

This is your life you are changing.  Do it your way.  Your style.  Here’s to your success.

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

PS:  If you want to review the last 2 Feature Articles mentioned above click here:

What Keeps You Tap-Dancing Around Success?  Ambivalence…That’s What!  http://theburnoutqueens.com/tap-dancing-success-ambivalence/

Tired of Playing Hide and Seek With Your Potential?  The HSP Identity-Quake. http://theburnoutqueens.com/hsp-identity-quake/

The dreaded company retreat

Just have to share this with you.  We hear about this dreaded event all the time from our VIP clients.

BBC business news has a great, bold and controversial article out today: Why corporate team-building events can be terrible. (love the title already)



There is nothing worse than opening up your email to an invitation to attend one of these company weekends. It leaves many of our clients with that ‘pit-in-the-stomach’ feeling.

You know you can’t get out of it. You know it will be a waste of time. And this is the important bit…you believe it will be a hornet’s nest of problems.

Have a read why. We are sure many of you will relate 100%.

These events require a solid and deep understanding of group dynamics, communication skills, trust-building, and a high level of crowd control. These skills are reserved for the professionals who know the psychology behind all of these seemingly innocent and fun weekends.

The article makes a great point at the end…good managers year-round should be able to avoid the necessity of having one of these retreats in the first place.

Our best advise to clients: Beware the facilitator, and if you have to attend one of these, put your game face on, keep your guard up, follow the instructions and get out of there at your earliest convenience. You are not weak, you aren’t the problem, and you should never be the scapegoat for the wrong facilitator.

And our next executive coaching session will be devoted to ‘the debrief’ with someone you already trust.


Tired of Playing Hide and Seek With Your Potential? | The HSP Identity-Quake

HSP Identity Quake

In a recent article about ambivalence being an obstacle to your success I promised to share a couple of other hidden barriers to HSP success.  Well, promises are promises.  So if you are ready, drum roll please, here it is the next hidden barrier to success…

Change, even change we want, shakes-up who we are.  You could call it an ‘identity quake’!

Big lifestyle shifts force us to take a closer look at who we are; how we live in the world, in relation to others, and most importantly in relationship to ourselves.

Big change, the ‘omg I can’t believe I’m doing this’ kind of change, always brings at least a touch of fear, confusion, and even angst.  You can’t get away from it even if you try.  So, (needed note to self and you) don’t go believing anybody who swears they never sweat-it when changing it up, especially if they post (or boast) their fearless change on FB!

We fret and stress about who we may become if we change, when we change, and that becomes a barrier to moving forward.

I mean, the mind chatter alone can keep you in hiding:

“What if I turn into a totally new person?”

“What if I am unrecognisable to others?

“What if others don’t like who I become?”

“What if I don’t like who I become?”

We aren’t being paranoid; our investment in our ‘this is who I am’ factor is huge.  A lot of blood, sweat, tears, not to mention time and energy have gone into it.  We spend our whole lives building our self-identity from the moment we arrive on the planet right on through to the end of our ‘golden’ years.

So why don’t more of us take that leap?  Well, we don’t realise how much of our self-identity is wrapped-up in our current lifestyle whether we are happy with it or not. This kind of knowledge lurks below the surface so it feels ‘too’ difficult to imagine a new way of living, a new reality, let alone a whole new you, even to us HSPs who are ace at imagining all sorts of things.  When we get dug-in to identifying ourselves with our lifestyle it doesn’t leave much room for the possibility of seeing ourselves in a whole new light…let alone a whole new life!

We tend to hang onto that sinking ‘lifestyle’ raft even if it is one of stress, chaos, sadness, or even burnout.

At times of change big enough to create an identity-quake, we will question the majority of our current life-roles.  It’s simply part of the process but can feel pretty threatening since a huge part of our self-identity is based on life roles.  We start entertaining questions like:  ‘Can I see myself not being a partner or not being a teacher, moving away from family or going back to school?’  In fact, you begin to live with a lot of questions and very few answers.

“Will I still be a perfect boss, a good parent, a loving partner, the rising star at the office, a top earner, the most likely to succeed?”

Plain and simply, you begin to find it hard to know who you are, to see yourself, to remember what you believe in, or even what you like to do.  Self-doubt goes up and you get a case of shaky confidence.  That’s when you begin to play hide-and-seek with your success.

No wonder you get wobbly knees when
so much of who you are in the world is up for grabs.

There will be times when you feel like you do not recognise yourself any more.  Think of it like one of those moments when you cut your hair off and you walk by a store window or mirror, see your reflection and for a brief moment you think it’s someone else.  What happens next?  Exactly!  You suddenly recognise the new you, in fact you think you look pretty cool!  Slowly over time as you live with the changes, live your new lifestyle, you also begin to live and love the ‘new you’ that emerges.

A little scary?  Absolutely, but now that you understand how an ‘identity-quake’ can become a hidden barrier to potential it no longer has the power to send you into hiding.  Instead of hooking into fear and anxiety think about the exciting and refreshing opportunities and discoveries that will come your way.  Life will offer you opportunities to reinvent yourself not once, not twice, but many times over.

So what do the Burnout Queens always say?  Embrace Life!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Reader Feedback we love

Reader Feedback!

Huge response both on and offline to our June 30th Feature Article on Bullying in the adult world [Stand Tall, No Sagging Allowed!  HSPs Stand Up To Bullies]

Here’s a taster of the feedback from across the globe!  Thank you all.


“Great ideas for coping with bullies! Thank you.”   Deb V.  Las Vegas, USA

“Hi there  I’m not being bullied but was when I was a teenager and my daughter has been too.I used to have a background in HR. I would have loved to have shared these tips to our staff back then. Fab post 🙂 Have a lovely weekend x  Wishing you fabulousness! ” Ruby McGuire, MCIPD, ASC  (Visibility Diva, aka Queen of Connection Visibility Strategist, Trainer, Speaker, Author.  UK

“I just had to tell you how timely your latest email was about bullying. I am currently going through the negotiations over dissolving the partnership in my business and everything in your email hit home for me. I was literally lying awake at 1am so upset over everything and I pulled out my phone and saw the headline of your email. Thank you! This will make me stronger throughout this time! ” J.G.  BC, Canada




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