Be considerate of your thoughts, feelings & opinions. They, like you, matter. -Dr. Toby Silverton
Business Burnout
Stress and colouring are strange bedfellows…
Yes indeed, I was reading an article on Huffington Post by Rachel Moss that suggests if we adults would colour more we would reduce our stress and anxiety (Colouring Books are Helping Adults Beat Stress and Anxiety 07/10/14). Did she say colour? Brilliant idea!
Personally as a little girl I would have given my eye teeth to own a large box of crayola crayons. All new, sharp and full of multiple colours. My dream gift (people christmas is approaching). Just imagine how engrossed we could all get in opening a new colouring book, dropping to the floor in our PJs and just spending an evening quietly colouring away the hours. Can you conjure this picture?
Of course, we would have to postpone cleaning the kitchen, putting in the loads of laundry, getting off the computer, or watching telly, but I think that’s the point! All of those chores will be there again tomorrow and the day/evening after. What isn’t constant in our evenings is a sense of focus, calm and utter enjoyment in some sort of endeavour (yes crayoning can be artistic endeavour).
The article makes the point that 59% of brits are more stressed today than they were 5 years ago, so having a little colouring book and crayons might just be the thing to come home to in the evening. No one at work needs to know what you’re up to….unless of course, you are brave enough to bring one of your masterpieces into the office to hang on your wall! You could always say it was done by one of the kids, or the dog!!!!
Come on all you adults who are depleted, tired, and exhausted… a box of crayolas and colouring book might be just the thing to wash away the stress of the day or week and give you a beautiful (and artistic) sense of calm.
The Burnout Queens xx
Focus is always from the inside out. -Dr. Toby Silverton
Stress relief tip ahead
Did you get your copy of our free eBook “Be the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! 60 fabulous tips to live your life with less pressure and more ease.” (get it below if you didn’t)
If you did, you might recognise this shortened version of tip #40
Ding, ding, ding…time to ‘check your stress’!
Stress affects your physical and emotional health in so many ways that you need to stay on top of it. So no better time like the present…
Here are 2 of the 5 signs we cover in our eBook tip. Ask yourself right now:
1. Is my breathing shallow or rapid?
2. Are my shoulders up around my ears?
Relaxing your body will give your mind a different message. Take a minute or two right now to change your body’s physical stress response.
p.s. Here’s a trick, send yourself a reminder via email or your phone. When that reminder goes off, stop and check your stress.
pps If you want to know the other 3 signs plus get the other 59 seamlessly simple stress tips, then your free personal copy is waiting for you here:
The Burnout Queens xx
Monday Mantra…Nothing can stop You
Our Monday Mantra to help you stay on point for the week…Nothing can stop You