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Knee Socks At 40? Oh My!


Now if knee socks is your style, we just want to say Brava to you, work it all the way!  On the other hand, if you have just gotten busy, distracted, or waylaid over the last few decades, knee socks at 40 could be a clue that it is time to update your self-identity!  It might just be time to rethink the ‘Who Am I?’ question…as well as your wardrobe (“Just saying” as our lovely American assistant would chime in!)

When you think about who you are you give yourself permission to reflect on the Big Picture:  Where am I headed?  What’s important to me?  What do I want for my life?  What is my life work?

Now, that’s pretty heady stuff because your answers form the core, the foundation, of how you are in the world, your way of being.  Your answers hint at how you face-up to the pressures, challenges, and demands in life.  It would be sad if life was just about pressures and challenges, the Burnout Queens believe wholeheartedly that life is about adventure, discovery, and change.  It goes without saying…

When you know who you are you can embrace the beauty, opportunities, and possibliities that arise in life to surprise and delight you.

If you have forgotten (or avoided) hitting the ‘refresh button’ on your self-definition chances are you’re not wearing matching socks.  You see, when your outside doesn’t ‘match’ your inside it causes no end of confusion, for you and for others.  You know where I’m going with this right, without consistency and congruency in your self-definition the ensuing confusion leads to mistakes about who you are, misunderstandings, and misjudgements!  There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that those of us who are highly sensitive, quirky, creative (or just dancing to our own melody) hate more than being misunderstood or misjudged.  It’s exhausting!  We end up explaining ourselves till everyone glazes over, and that is…well boring!  (If you get stuck in that ferris wheel of explaining yourself over and over, read our feature article ‘You Are the Jewel in Your Crown’ so you can get off that ride!)

My Darling, ‘boring’can never be included in the
‘Who Am I?’ of you!

Alright, so we have to talk knee highs again.  You know you don’t only figure out the ‘Who am I?’ agenda one time when you’re 13 and that’s that!  Even though I must say my 13 year old self had a pretty bold sense of style, it was the swinging 60s!  (Do you know in recent years I have actually seen some of my very own teenage outfits in fashion retrospectives in museums!  It certainly gives one pause…)  Anyway I digressed, back to the plot…

It’s essential to keep uncovering, rediscovering, and recreating your knowledge and understanding of yourself.
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Every stage of life, each new decade, brings many many opportunities to update your self-definition.  It doesn’t matter how ‘old’ you are!  We need to embrace them all, good and bad, because the truth about who you are changes from decade to decade based on these life experiences, how you understand things differently, and from your ever expanding perspective of the world, hey the universe!

Now maybe your self-definition will only require a few tweaks, or maybe you will want to do a whole new re-do!  Brand new answers to brand new questions!  Marvellous!  Fabulous!  Now that is completely Burnout Queen style!

You know as you let go of the old, outworn bits of you, those beyond their ‘best by’ date, you open-up space in your life to create new aspects of yourself.  You create room and energy for the new you to flourish.

If you want to stay inspired you need to stay fresh!
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It’s all you, my love, evolving, learning, changing, growing…you thriving and flourishing.  Yes, it is of paramount importance to keep your self-identity up to date!  If you don’t well, what can I say, that’s when you end up wearing knee socks at 40 (and, shhh, between you and me, not a good look!). 

Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!


P.S.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box bel

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