The Burnout Queens

UK’s leading coaches for woman and burnout

What if your workplace is toxic?

What is a toxic workplace and how will I know if mine is toxic?

The Burnout Queens love to share good articles and this is a good article in (Marcel Schwantes) based on solid research out of Harvard.


The article titled 5 signs of a toxic workplace that should be stopped immediately ( magazine), summarises who toxic workers are and what they do that is so counter-productive to the company and their workers.

“much has been written about hiring and developing top performers in the workplace, but less attention has been paid to the effects of toxic workers on their organizations.  [toxic] workers are not low-functioning or low-status employees…[they]are talented and productive….”

Here are this article’s 5 signs of a toxic office.

  1. Gossip is spreading
  2. Morale is at an all-time low
  3. Managers are dictators not leaders
  4. The human touch is lost
  5. Health issues and absenteeism are on the rise

These are just some of the situations our Executive Clients find themselves in, many of them disheartened by their company culture, disillusioned by an absent listening leadership.  Others grapple with questioning whether they should stay or take the opportunity to leave and place themselves in their dream career move. This all leads to low morale and possibly burnout, which has a knock-on effect on many leaders, teams, executives and ultimately erodes the company’s bottom-line.

Read the full article and get really honest with yourselves. Next step? Implement healthy, rather than punitive change. To ignore and keep following the same path is to risk losing your most talented to the competition.

The step after that?  Get in touch ( .  We coach Highly Sensitive Executives in these situations all the time and they learn to thrive.

Travelling tips for our executive clients

We have a few of our Highly Sensitive Executives either in-flight or just returning from Conference Season in all parts of the globe.  It’s not uncommon these days to hop the globe, a continent, or many continents all in one go.  The time changes can be challenging to say the least.

We found this great ‘tips’ article in The Daily Telegraph’s Lifestyle section that may be just what these ‘doctors’ ordered as a good way to curb jetlag and still be sane at the end of your business obligations.

Enjoy and fly safe!

The Burnout Queens xx

READ THE ARTICLE HERE:  7 ways to outsmart jet lag.

Email skills up to snuff? Part 3

Here’s the third Email Mistake that makes all of us look unprofessional according to  It’s easy to do when you are bombarded by inbox overload or are squeezed for time. However, this mistake can make the best of us steam with irritation (at least it does me)

Slow response or no response at all.

The Inc article makes it clear that you should acknowledge receiving an email from someone, even if you quickly answer ‘got it’. I am so happy that this is what our VA does each time I send work from the UK to the US. One word from her that it landed in her inbox allows me to just move on knowing the work will be handled.  Bless her she’s a highly sensitive person as well, so she ‘gets’ the importance of replies.

However, (this is a big irritation to me and most HSP’s I know) if I send an email with substantial information, opinion or suggestions in it, if I send a client a personalised visualisation, if I email a colleague with a joint business idea…I want to hear that it was received!!!!!! (notice irritation growing.)

You can double my irritation (and confusion) if a colleague or client wants to book time with me, and I take quick action to reply and offer a time slot (time zones are a challenge when working globally) and then I wait for a no-or-slow response…!  Nothing irks me more than being asked for something, delivering, and then waiting for confirmation! I am left thinking several things.

  1. My email never arrived or is languishing somewhere in the Ethernet.
  2. The request for my time wasn’t that important in the first place (but I am keeping a timeslot open which means it’s still on my mind).
  3. The person is lazy or impolite because they aren’t checking their inbox…hello (either way I’m starting to steam)!
  4. They feel they are too busy and oops, ‘sorry it went to the bottom of my to-do list’.

Regardless of the WHY of no-or-slow replies to emails, the article (and I totally agree) suggests we filter and prioritise our emails and always send a quick reply regardless of restraints…(got it, got this, will reply tomorrow, I’ll get back to you on this asap).

I always use these suggestions and I always appreciate when others do the same. Don’t you?

(hello…are you there)


Hmm, note to self, better check this article reached everybody!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Check out the other 2 Email Mistakes that Make Us Look Unprofessional.

Email skills up to snuff?

Email skills up to snuff? Part 2


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