You are brilliant, Darling! We know it and you know it. You sparkle in your own unique way. But sadly, the brilliance of your brilliance isn’t always appreciated! In fact, it is often misunderstood and sometimes, well sometimes, it just goes unnoticed! Now that’s a royal pain!
Now you could just recline on a chaise lounge, despairing about why the world doesn’t understand you, or you could read our three simple answers to why you may need to pack-up your brilliance and move on! Are you ready?
#1 – Creative, quirky, sensitive types can’t thrive in environments that don’t get us.
Sometimes the environments you choose to work or live in are unsupportive, plain and simple. When you try to survive in environments that don’t appreciate your HSP nature you eventually begin to feel diminished or less than. Seriously, if this is the case, you need to have a good honest conversation with yourself. Have you ended up in an environment (office, group of friends, relationship) where your brilliance isn’t appreciated, goes unnoticed, gets ignored, is made fun of, or put down? Your surroundings can make you feel like you need to hide the best of you. You know, an environment like this can actually get to the point of feeling hostile. No, my loves, you are not imagining it.
So if you are in an environment where it feels like your intelligence, senses, and emotions are becoming dulled, then it’s time to take your brilliance where it can be freely expressed. You deserve to find places in the world that nourish your sensitivity and creativity.
Seek places that are open to your strengths, talents, gifts, humour, love of beauty, and unique world view.
You need environments where you can be true to who you are. You definitely want to spend your life in places that reflect your values and beliefs. If you are to feel respected and honoured you need to know that others benefit from, enjoy, and value your uniqueness.
#2 – Hey, if they don’t get you, they don’t get you.
Sometimes people don’t appreciate your brilliance. Actually, some people are unnerved by it or threatened by it! Oh we know you may not believe that, but it’s true, you are often perceived as powerful whether you know it or not!
We know you are naturally inclined to keep trying to get your <insert here> (boss, mother, father, partner, colleague, sister, teacher…) to ‘see’ your brilliance, to see things from your perspective, to accept your novel approach to things. But seriously, what a waste of time and energy! Constantly trying to explain yourself only tarnishes your brilliance. “If they just understood me everything would be fine.” They won’t. So (excuse our bluntness darling) but time to…
Stop selling your soul. Stop trying to get ‘them’ to see the errors of their ways.
When you continue to attempt to scale this wall you only increase your own stress. You are never going to persuade them, prove to them, get them on-side, or ‘help’ them to see things from your point of view. Sorry, but they don’t want to, they aren’t able to, they are simply not there with you! And, you know what, that’s ok.
You have a choice to make, you can stay in that ‘old’ place of proving your genius or you can pack-up. We just want you to know that as long as you stay stuck in that struggle you are a single pirouette away from creating your own burnout.
#3 – Admit it! You hide your brilliance.
Indeed, you sometimes go to royal lengths to hide your brilliance. Well, my dears, it’s time to show-off your strengths, successes and achievements. Now relax we’re not saying you need to get all diva-ish or braggy, not at all, we know that would make you uncomfortable. You see, somewhere along the way you became more comfortable letting others see your less than powerful points. But seriously, where does that get you? Only to the place you fear the most; boredom, tedium, and dullness. That is no place for a Burnout Queen!
Darling it’s high time you get your crown out and start polishing because you are ready to show the world just how much you can sparkle! If you keep hiding who you are, you will eventually begin to feel diminished and you may even start believing that you are dull! AND, this could simply never be the case!
You know, it’s perfectly alright to appreciate the times you are afraid to let your brilliance show. You may temporarily feel afraid of what will be asked of you, afraid you are not ‘up to the job’, maybe afraid you have been kidding yourself about your brilliance all these years, that you are, well…oh let’s just say it, a fraud!
You know, it’s o.k. to be afraid as long as you don’t let that stop you.
What are you waiting for? If you aren’t going to show the world how much you have to offer, who is?
It may take a little getting used to, but the next time someone says to you ‘How do you do it all?’ You simply answer, “Extremely well!” When someone asks, ‘How are you today? Your answer…
It’s time to take your brilliance where you can let it shine!
Until Next Time…Grab Life by the Crown!

P.S. The BOQs would love to hear from you! Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.