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Email skills up to snuff? Part 3

Here’s the third Email Mistake that makes all of us look unprofessional according to  It’s easy to do when you are bombarded by inbox overload or are squeezed for time. However, this mistake can make the best of us steam with irritation (at least it does me)

Slow response or no response at all.

The Inc article makes it clear that you should acknowledge receiving an email from someone, even if you quickly answer ‘got it’. I am so happy that this is what our VA does each time I send work from the UK to the US. One word from her that it landed in her inbox allows me to just move on knowing the work will be handled.  Bless her she’s a highly sensitive person as well, so she ‘gets’ the importance of replies.

However, (this is a big irritation to me and most HSP’s I know) if I send an email with substantial information, opinion or suggestions in it, if I send a client a personalised visualisation, if I email a colleague with a joint business idea…I want to hear that it was received!!!!!! (notice irritation growing.)

You can double my irritation (and confusion) if a colleague or client wants to book time with me, and I take quick action to reply and offer a time slot (time zones are a challenge when working globally) and then I wait for a no-or-slow response…!  Nothing irks me more than being asked for something, delivering, and then waiting for confirmation! I am left thinking several things.

  1. My email never arrived or is languishing somewhere in the Ethernet.
  2. The request for my time wasn’t that important in the first place (but I am keeping a timeslot open which means it’s still on my mind).
  3. The person is lazy or impolite because they aren’t checking their inbox…hello (either way I’m starting to steam)!
  4. They feel they are too busy and oops, ‘sorry it went to the bottom of my to-do list’.

Regardless of the WHY of no-or-slow replies to emails, the article (and I totally agree) suggests we filter and prioritise our emails and always send a quick reply regardless of restraints…(got it, got this, will reply tomorrow, I’ll get back to you on this asap).

I always use these suggestions and I always appreciate when others do the same. Don’t you?

(hello…are you there)


Hmm, note to self, better check this article reached everybody!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

Check out the other 2 Email Mistakes that Make Us Look Unprofessional.

Email skills up to snuff?

Email skills up to snuff? Part 2


Life Lessons from The Burnout Queens

If there is one life lesson The Burnout Queens have experienced over and over and now believe in 100% it is this…


Today, the verdict for the disappearance and murder of our friend and former neighbour , Helen Bailey and Boris, her beloved dog (friend to The Burnout Pups) brought Truth and Justice.  We are so sad that this beautiful, intelligent, creative and lovely woman was taken in her prime.  While she was with us she gave of herself, her life experience and her humourous take on grief.

Helen and Boris, you can now rest.  The truth is known and you are with the angels.

4 Steps to Change Successfully

Here are the 4 most important things you need to do today to ensure you succeed with your unique Change style.

Our clients over the decades put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into changing how they think, feel and respond in situations in their lives.  When they successfully follow a few basic changes, they feel invigorated, bold and like they found the ‘keys to the kingdom’.  Divas all of them!

This is how they did it, why not try it yourself!

First, have a good read of our latest Feature Article (click here) and then…

Second:  Decide what change means to you…

Is it risk taking, adventure, stress or something else?

Is change imposed on you…or…chosen by you?

Third:  Find a role model for change, either fictional or real  (it can even be someone you see walking through a revolving door). 

What is it you admire about how she changes things or herself in her life?

How does she approach change and what happens if  she doesn’t succeed at it?

Fourth:  And this is obvious if you read the article…Go find a revolving door and go through it, more than once if you have to, to find out your style.

Why not take an unsuspecting friend with you and surreptitiously watch them go through a revolving door.  Ask yourself…does it match her style?

You can share your secret motive and a good laugh with her over tea later!

Go on!  Find that revolving door and you might find out something extremely important about what help you succeed or keep you being the ‘same old, same old’ you are tired of being!

Cheers, The Burnout Queens xx

4 Thoughts That Signal It’s Time to Change

Your Revolving Door Style | How to become a Diva of change

How do you know when it is time to embrace change?

    • When life smacks you upside the head and you get jolted out of complacency…it might be time.
    • If you find yourself fantasizing about “how life would be” if, or you are envious of other peoples’ adventures…it might be time.
    • If you get up in the morning with a sinking feeling about work, a relationship, or your major at school…it might be time.
    •  If you feel a desire bursting inside you that you have ignored for years…it might be just the time.

If you still need clarification about when and how to change, read our last Feature Article about Becoming the Diva of Change.


Be The Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! (tip 10)

If you are ready to “Be The Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected!”, you will certainly have to try this great little tip….

(excerpt from Be The Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! 60 fabulous tips to help you live with less pressure and more ease! by The Burnout Queens)


Tip No 10: 

Go ahead and giggle!  Laughter relieves tension, makes us breathe more deeply, releases ‘happy’  brain chemicals (legal ones), relaxes our muscles, and makes us feel more relaxed overall.   How perfect!

Highly Sensitive Women sometimes forget to laugh out loud so purposely look for things that make you laugh.

  • Plan lunch or coffee with that special friend who always has you in stitches.
  • Turn on the comedy station instead of the news.
  • Watch a classic comedy that makes you laugh even when you know what’s coming.

Good for the face, good for the heart and great for the soul!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx

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