Can you find happiness, joy or bliss in a perfectly unbalanced life? Absolutely! -Dr. Toby Silverton
Dr Bev
Co-owner, The Burnout Queens
Burning out and need to shake it up?
If you are burning out and looking for a quick and easy solution to the feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm, our new eBook is full of great ideas and savvy tips to get you unstuck!
Today, here’s one of our 60 tips from “Be the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! 60 fabulous tips to live your life with less pressure and more ease”.
#6: Be bold and cross it off the list. Every week brings a multitude of stressful stuff, things to do and problems to solve. But, here’s a thought, not everything deserves your time, attention and energy.
Next time you are consulting your list be bold (go on, we know you can do it), and cross a few off the list.
It’s just that simple and instantly creates less pressure in your day. You are one tip closer to being the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected!
If you found this helpful and easy to apply to your life, there are 59 other inspiring ways to put ease in your life. Receive your personal copy of the free offer here:
Grab life by the crown!
The Burnout Queens xx
Make it Happen!
Monday Mantra… Passion is Energy
Our Monday Mantra to help you stay on point for the week…Passion is energy.
The Burnout Pups Weekend Wisdom
So what’s with the cute carry buggy and dogs?
The Burnout Pups are ready for some trick and treating next week and they found the perfect costume–who ever thinks dogs are in baby buggies heh heh heh. They think they are pretty crafty these two.
However, their point is they are well organised and prepared for next week. Less stress all around, which is why they never burn themselves out.
Wishing you a safe but fun Hallows Eve and Guy Fawkes celebrations! The Burnout Pupsxx