
Time to take a break when…

sleepy puppy1It was definitely time to take a break…


The Burnout Queens took a week out to drop off the work scene.  It was definitely time!  If it’s one thing I have learnt over my long career it’s time to take a break when…

    1. I want to stay in bed and  pull the duvet up over my head
    2. I want to do anything but sit at my desk
    3. I want to do anything but speak with my dear clients
    4. I want to retire and move to a quiet beach (oh wait I’ve done some of that!)
    5. I find myself crankie at the dogs for everything (even when they are being cute)
    6. I find myself dreading ‘calling home’ to speak to my 99 year old mother
    7. I can’t catch a train to London because of weather or no petsitter (no cultural play makes me very grumpy)
    8. I can’t stand being around people and noise (my Dietrich moments)
    9. I can’t focus for more than a few seconds (unless it’s a puzzle and I’m obsessed)


I’m sure you get the idea.  And I’m doubly sure you recognise many of these for yourself!  Better to take a break and gather my steam again so that I can be creative, present and enjoyable to be around.  Of course, breaks are always announced to clients after looking at the calendar, asking them to change their call dates (seldom do this, but…) and clearing the decks of responsibility.

I’m pleased to say that I didn’t decide to pack a million and one things into 7 days, but I did some very pleasant sightseeing and tea sipping at my leisure.  You could say a curative rest.  It was a good plan and the feedback from my community says Dr T and I are great role models for taking care of ourselves and not burning out.  Well that’s the idea anyway!

Next time you find yourself feeling the same way, take yourself away and rest up.  Take it from these 2 docs, “You could just prevent yourself from  burning out!”

Love, Dr B (The Burnout Queens) xx

Be The Woman You Were Meant To Be!

Be The Woman You Were Meant To Be! Authentic and Cool!

Are you ready?  Are you ready to step out into the world as the authentic powerful, sensitive and creative woman you are?  Well, my Darlings, the world is ready and waiting for you!

It’s time!  It’s time to stand strong in who you are and stop pretending you are less!  It’s time for you to shout it to the world…

“It’s COOL to be ME!”

The world needs you!  You have an obligation to share your brilliance with the world so that the rest of us can grow in wisdom, depth, compassion and understanding.

When you embrace your strengths, talents, and gifts you contribute to the world.
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Whenever you are true to yourself you inspire others.  You inspire your family, your friends, and your colleagues.  In fact, you can be an inspiration to anyone you connect with.  Everyone has something unique to offer and by living your own unique truth you give others the courage to do the same.

In an everyday spiritual kind of way you are inspirational just being yourself.
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So we have to ask…Do you keep parts of yourself secreted away?  Do you hide, discredit, minimise or deny your true gifts?  It’s time for you to own your truth and be clear about what you have to offer!

So, there is no more time for excuses!  It’s time for you to value your talents, gifts and strengths and it’s definitely time for you to share your beliefs, ideas, and opinions!  When you do you will be amazed at how opportunities and possibilities open up in your life.

Now, maybe up to this point you haven’t been comfortable about giving the gift of being yourself to yourself, but we know you are very good at doing for others or you wouldn’t be a Burnout Queen!  So here’s the thing…with more and more opportunities in your own life you have more ways to touch others, open doors for them, encourage them and lift them up! Now that feels really good.

The clock is about to strike midnight on the year, but it’s never too late!  In fact, it is always the perfectly right time to be the woman you were meant to be.  Get ready to stand up bravely and boldly and say…

Hey World…this is ME!
And it’s COOL to be ME!

We love you Burnout Queens!  Let the world know how great you are!  It’s time to show up in your life…crown and all! 

Love, Dr Toby & Dr Bev xx

PS.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.

PPS!  Introducing The Burnout Queens Christmas Chaos Charity Campaign 2015.  This year we have a gift for you and a matched donation to WaterAid to uplift a young girl in a disadvantaged part of the world.  Win-win!  You get to conquer the dreaded holiday family gatherings once and for all,  and a young girl gets a darn good education.  Now that’s the holiday spirit Burnout Queen style!  Join our Campaign here…

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Chaos!

Soul Burnout: Being an HSP in Painful Times

Soul Burnout: Being an HSP in Painful Times

“What is this world coming to?  What has happened to humanity?  I don’t understand…”

These days we are hearing these sentiments from oh so many of our Highly Sensitive Burnout Queens.  The anger, suffering and pain in the world, the apparent lack of love, the disbelief that human beings can be indifferent to each other, and we would add the way some humans treat animals with such disregard, and let’s not forget our poor planet!  Well it makes us all very sad and weary.  Sigh…….

Maybe you are experiencing something similar, a sense of disillusionment, a loss of faith in humanity, the feeling that nothing makes sense anymore.  And you know, all that makes us feel insecure, kind of nervous, anxious and uneasy.  To say it is disappointing is a massive understatement, the international events of the last few weeks leave many of us feeling totally disheartened to say the least!

At times you may feel that there is nothing left to believe in…there is.

We see this as a kind of ‘soul burnout’.  When you are Highly Sensitive it can feel like the weight of the world, the pain of the world, resides within you.   Sometimes you just don’t know what to do with it and end up feeling powerless and, yes, definitely hopeless.  So what can you do?

Well, crowns off to those courageous and bold souls who head off into dangerous places to offer aid and care to both humans and animals in need.  My heart swells with joy and gratitude with the knowledge that such brave individuals exist!  Then there are the rest of us…

We may not be ready to take a heroic stance, but we can live with Everyday Spirituality.  Everyday Spirituality doesn’t have to be big, it doesn’t necessarily encompass grand gestures, it doesn’t even have to be called anything specific with a Capital Letter.  We believe that everyone can embace life and live each and every day with meaning and purpose.   Oh don’t get all worried about ‘finding your purpose’ (that’s way too heady for us!) all you have to remember is to…

Live your life in the pursuit of compassion, kindness, beauty, understanding and love in your own unique way

Shine your HSP light into the world.  Do not live in fear.  Always strive for your Highest Dream regardless of how futile it can sometimes feel in this shocking world.

Imagine. Create. Believe.

Love, Dr Toby & Dr Bev xx

PS.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.

PPS!  Won’t you join The Burnout Queens for Afternoon Tea this month?  Exclusive member only event. 


Afternoon Tea & Talk in The RealmThe Realm is having an Afternoon Tea Talk on November 30th, 2015.  Dr Toby and Dr Bev will be discussing what it means to Defy Ordinary, how to actually do it, and answer all your questions.  It doesn’t matter where you live on the planet, it’s on video so you won’t miss a thing.  The video will be viewed online with a private link…but you must be a member to join us.

Ready to create a bigger, better and bolder you?  Join us for tea and talk

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Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer