Be Calm

Giving Is Simply Fun

This last Christmas, The Burnout Queens decided to add a little sparkle to girls’ and womens’ lives.  We decided it’s time to put our Christmas Chaos Campaign into action.

Ladies who read us…and get our philosophy…were asked to purchase our It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Chaos video and learn how to create delight in the holidays, instead of dread!   As an incentive we decided to send all the proceeds…yes 100% +…to WaterAid to help young girls get an education rather than walking all day to gather water for their village.  The purchase + our donation match + UK governments match.

Well…proud to say that we got some lovely hearted women on board and we raised £50.00 for WaterAid.  So like all good women after Christmas….we shopped!  Here’s what we got with your help, our help and the government’s help:  a bag or 2 of cement, enough to build the foundations of a village loo!!








And because a woman can’t just stop at bags, we thought a little red toolkit was the perfect accessory.  This red toolkit will fix the water supplies in not 1, but 10 villages. 

ShopForLife_CardVisuals_3_Toolkit_Cover_grandeNow that’s what I call a shopping spree.  It was fantastically fun to know that your £2 expanded to give young girls the chance to open a book or two and help her village for the future in a different and important way.

And we hope that those of you who helped in this global way, found some fun and merriment in the suggestions we gave on our latest edition of It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Chaos.


Till next year’s campaign kicks off with another offering.  Thanks from us to all our Burnout Queen friends.  Your generosity is uplifting.

With love, The Burnout Queens xx


Big Hair, High Heels! The Power of Confidence

Big Hair High Heels! The Power of Confidence

Hello!  Happy January & Happy New Year to all you fabulous Burnout Queens!  We hope your year has gotten off to a great start.  You probably expected us to kick-off (that would be a high kick!) 2016 with a ‘rah- rah, you can change your life tomorrow’ article!  Far too ordinary, just not BOQ style.  We are going for the gusto; dig in and dig deep!  Let’s start the year with confidence, we say!  No, really, this article is all about confidence…the power of confidence.

So…what is the power of confidence?  Are you ready?  Ta Dah

You own your confidence!
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Yes, it’s truly that simple!  Confidence comes from the inside; it is determined by you.  Confidence is about your beliefs, attitudes and experience.  It really isn’t about outside stuff like tasks, situations or relationships.

You, and only you, decide if you are a confident woman.
Now that’s powerful!

There are plenty of myths and misunderstandings about confidence out there.   Like this idea that confidence is a singular state of being; constant and steady, with no ebb and flow.  No wonder so many of us trip-up over confidence when we think of it as an either/or thing.  Confidence, you have it or you don’t.  Now that’s a myth for sure!

As long as you believe there is only one way to be confident you may make proclamations (cause that’s what Queens do!) like ‘I’m not confident’, ‘I don’t know how to be confident!’ or (we love this one) ‘I’ve lost my confidence’!!!  All of these statements are likely untrue and if we are to be completely frank with you darling a little ‘passe’!

Be assured, confidence doesn’t have to be complicated, not even when you are a Highly Sensitive and creative HSP (and as you well know us HSPs can complicate most anything we put our minds to!)  It’s just that confidence is multi-faceted like a brilliant diamond.  The experience of confidence is as varied and unique as you.

There is no one-size-fits-all feeling of confidence.

Confidence is situational.  You may be perfectly confident in one area of your life but quake in your ever-so-fashionable boots at the mere thought of another.  That’s perfectly normal!  (Yes, we use that term advisedly!)

Confidence has an ebb and flow.  Lots of things can affect your confidence, your mood, the company you are in, your physical state, even if you have slept poorly the night before.  Just ‘cause confidence can fluctuate doesn’t mean you don’t have it!

Confidence comes with doing.   This is vitally important to remember because confidence diminishes with avoiding.

Confidence can be ‘borrowed’ from one area of your life to enhance another.  Think about it…if you are good at xyz over there, you can borrow  skills or strengths or attitudes to hold you in good confidence in situation abc!

Confidence can be (how shall we put this?) improvised!  Even if you are feeling particularly shaky you can pull it out of a hat.  Remember when you were young and played pretend or dress-up?  Uh huh, who cares if you are all grown up, you can ‘play pretend’ with confidence.  I remember this Board Meeting that had me a nervous wreck, so I just dressed up (in my imagination) as Tina Turner and made my entrance.  Voila, instant over-the-top confidence (not to mention BIG hair)!  Here’s the hidden treasure in this one, shhhh, if you can pull it off with your imagination…you can actually do it.  So own it.  Strut your stuff!

Confidence grows when you are honest with yourself and others about your strengths, talents and capabilities.  This can be a little tricky for HSPs since we tend to under-estimate our abilities and our gifts, but the benefits are so fab it is well worth the discomfort of trying on this attitude.  It’s a perfect fit!

Self-honesty lets you be a learner, not-so-good at something or own being absolutely brilliant!!

So what are some other key misunderstandings about confidence…hmmm, thinking…got it!

Confidence is not something that you lose or carelessly misplace.  You lose contact lenses, you lose your keys, you lose your phone…you do not lose your confidence.  (So Darling please, no more ‘I’ve lost my confidence’!)

Confidence is not something someone else can take away from you!  The Power of Confidence is that YOU own it, it never belonged to anyone else…ever.  (So no more hiding behind that one!)

AND…get ready for it…for the record, you did not miss out on confidence by being in the wrong line when you were born.  (Nice try!)

Oh, and this is important, as a confident woman you do not have to be able to do anything and everything confidently the first time.  Do not fall into that trap!

Confidence comes from experiencing, succeeding and even failing.
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Here are a few more tid bits to think about when considering the power of  confidence…

If you have never done something before it stands to reason that you would have less confidence, but that doesn’t mean you have no confidence.  Increase your confidence by relating what you are about to do or enter into to similar situations or tasks you have been successful at in the past.  Then say to yourself…

I am confident!  I’ve had experiences like this before.

If you have done something and been a little less than perfect at it (what can we say, it happens) you might be a little ‘iffy’ about climbing on that learning curve again.  Relax, that’s why they call it a learning curve, you are allowed to be a learner!

Confidence increases with doing. Try again!
Give it a chance.

What if you have been doing the same thing over and over again and not succeeding or not even enjoying it?  You tell yourself  you have failed and so has your confidence!  Stop right there.  Get honest and ask yourself why you continue to do something you either aren’t any good at or you don’t like.  If something (or someone) is a bad fit, it’s simply a bad fit!   Darling, your confidence isn’t gone but you have to stop wearing the same old trainers and find some high heels you can proudly walk in!

When you don’t believe in your confidence you spend time and energy  fighting mental, emotional and even physical blocks.  You will feel heavy with anxiety, worry and trepidation because you are fighting shadows that aren’t real.

Stop hiding from the power of your confidence.  When you tell yourself that you don’t have confidence you end up avoiding and not experiencing something that you could be very very good at, brilliant at in fact!  That’s just not ‘ok’ with us!  So…

Get ready Burnout Queens…

Are you ready to own the Power of Confidence?

Are you ready to wear your confidence crown with pizzazz?



We declare that with the utmost confidence!


Love, Dr Toby & Dr Bev xx

PS.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.

Not My Responsibility!

hands up 1

Twice this week clients, professional HSP working women, have wanted my opinion about situations that had come up at work and the common denominator…is this my responsibility?

Responsibility is tricky for us highly sensitive (dare I say, oh sure why not since I’m one too!) perfectionistic, over-achieving, and highly ethical and responsible women!   You see we have been raised and trained to take responsibility for everything and anything whether it actually is our responsibility or not!  And we step up and then we stew about it.  Two scenarios:

First one:  Client is aware that a colleague is partaking in some pretty unethical behaviour.  My client had alerted the owners of the company about this possibility when they hired this other worker – it wasn’t a suggestion to not hire them just to keep an eye on them.  Over and over again my client tried to raise the red flag, which was part of her original consultancy responsibility but wasn’t really listened to by the powers that be.  This time my client directly addressed the situation with the person who was carrying out this questionable behaviour to be met with a complete ‘who cares!’ attitude.  So now she was wondering do I go to ‘the bosses’ with it?  Lots of you are probably saying, ‘of course!’ (probably because you are also  HSPs full of integrity).

My response…not your responsibility any longer, let it go.  They didn’t listen to you before, they are not going to listen now.  Take yourself off the hook and don’t enter a contentious situation.

Second situation:  Budget!  My client, a financial exec, brings forward an invoice of varying tech costs with a whole list of reasons why some should be excluded from these tech consultants.  Bosses attitude is “just pay it!”  But, but, but…

My response…not your company, his company, you did your job, you raised the issue, you showed him the evidence…pay it, it’s his money! 

I’ll probably have lots of people disagreeing with me, even I disagree with me sometimes! However, I also know that our proclivity to take 150% responsibility for things that aren’t ultimately our responsibility gets us into trouble.

Take the steps you need to feel like you can look at yourself in the mirror, know you have done your best, then let it go. You can’t be right, or listened to, all the time.  Darn!

Love, Dr Toby (The Burnout Queens)) xx

What’s Age Anymore?

daphne selfe

You know when you rush through a station and something catches your eye, well I was rushing through the internet the other day and this blog caught my eye. It was called Wonder Women: The Stars Who’ve Turned Seventy and Still Continue to Shine (by Alison Coldridge, 19/01/2016).  I had to have a look and I can only say…Wow!  These women are inspirational, not just because they have celebrity or look amazing, but because they are still relevant and working at what they love to do.  I swear that is why they are all so beautiful.  So here is their list, then we added a few of our own.

Their list:  Dolly Parton (70);  Diane Keaton (70);  Bette Midler (70);  Helen Mirren (70);  Debbie Harry (70);  Jane Fonda (78);  Vivienne Westwood (74);  Grace Coddington  (74);  Goldie Hawn (70);  Tina Turner (76);  Judi Dench (81);  Maggie Smith (81);  Joan Collins (82) .

Our additions:  Mary Berry (80);  Shirley Bassey (79);  Cleo Laine (88);   Angela Lansbury (90);  Queen Elizabeth (90);  Bridget Riley (84);  Rose Hilton (85);  Louise Hay (89);  Joanna Lumley (70);  Carole King (73);  Carly Simon (70);  Daphne Selfe (85);  Yoko Ono (82);  Carmen Dell’Orefice (84).

I know someone out there is going to say they are all stars, well you are right they are all stars in their known field and many of them have made massive contributions behind the scenes as humanitarians and activists as well.

We know them, we see them and I for one appreciate their visibility. I wish it were as easy to name off all the brilliant women scientists, philosophers, legal minds, or economists who are still working at what they are passionate about past 70!  If you know of some please share so we can all broaden our horizons.

Take a moment and look up some of their accomplishments. I’ll simply say it again, Wow!

With love and inspiration to all…Dr. Toby (The Burnout Queens) xx

Late For An Important Date?

vintage watch in pinkIf you are a woman always struggling to show up on time, this is for you.

We know you are juggling so many balls in the air that it’s often hard to fit everything into your day.  Quite often you may find yourself running late.  More often you overbook your day because you are busy running around for everyone else in your life (in which case, we need to talk).  You may even want to re-acquaint yourself with Dr B’s post September 10th, 2015 about her client’s struggle with time.

But fear not dear one, The Burnout Queens have a Contingency System designed for you.  Between your bookings, jobs, school run, clients, meetings, and any blank space in your diary think…

20   30   40   50  or  60 MINUTE INTERVALS

The result?  Travel time, shifting gears, grabbing lunch, finding your breath…all sorted.  Who knows, you may even have time for a quiet cuppa and cake (a Burnout Queens must-do)!

Love, The Burnout Queens xx 


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