Everyone is moaning about getting their goals together, making their yearly plans, and getting stuck into the hustle and bustle of the new year. We just thought you might like to look at things a little differently, you know slow it down a bit and catch your breath.
Our first edition of Hello is not about the goals, it’s all about the ‘moment’
Every time either one of us goes out or even stays in the comfort of the house, there are just moments that make a difference (if you allow them to eliminate the buzz). .
They aren’t big moments, or tiny moments, but they are everyday moments that always count. Here are some of ours!
It really was a Christmas card moment! (waiting for my pizza take-away)
They’re our cute moment! (they don’t even try being cute, just are)
Walkie moments! (nothing better than bells at high noon on the high street clock, and babbling waters in the riverside café)
Don’t forget the Art moments! (it was more about the architecture than the art)
The town’s history moments! (1300 – 1500 and we wonder who stood here)
New Year moment! (‘boys’ playing in the castle grounds, yikes one is our neighbour)
None of these are big moments, but they definitely warm our heart, make us smile, inspire us, peak our curiosity, and just take us away from it all for a while.
Until next month, wishing you meaningful ‘moments’ too!