
You Are The Jewel in Your Crown!


You are brilliant Darling! We know it and hopefully you do too! You are brilliant in your own unique and special way. Soooooo… isn’t it time for you to stop trying to prove yourself?

Oh maybe you don’t call it ‘proving yourself’, maybe instead you try to explain yourself, justify your opinion, show you are right, correct misperceptions of you or clear-up misunderstandings about what you said, did, or who you are. Well, in our books that all adds up to ‘proving yourself, but here’s what we know;

Proving yourself to others is mutually exclusive with accepting yourself.
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You will only run yourself into the ground trying to get your… <insert here> boss, mother, father, partner, colleague, sister, teacher, girlfriend, boyfriend… to see your brilliance. Hey, if they don’t get you, they don’t get you. It’s well past time you stopped struggling to get ‘them’ to ‘see’ how brilliant you are, full stop. You are the one who needs to know you are the jewel in your crown!

Here’s the Burnout Queen’s royal command! Stop trying to prove you are ok! It’s that or waste your energy trying to get ‘them’ to see the error of their ways. It’s such an empty victory though when you are too exhausted to enjoy your own celebration dance! Seriously, do you want to be ‘right’ or do you want to be <insert here> happy, well, powerful, successful, peaceful, energetic… the choice is in your hands.

Constantly trying to prove, justify or explain yourself dulls your brilliance and diminishes your power.

Owning who you are, crown straight or jauntily tilted as per your style, is absolutely essential if you want to escape your burnout trap. Then, and only then, can you live with the freedom, creativity and peace of mind that comes from living in perfect harmony with your absolutely fabulous HSP nature.

Listen, we totally get it, we are in it with you! We hate to be misunderstood, taken wrong, doubted or under-estimated (that one really gets our goat!) and… we certainly want people to know that we know what we are doing. We also know that it’s impossible to shine with brilliance when you are exhausted. Believe us,

A lifetime of proving yourself gets you nowhere but exhausted.
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It comes down to a choice, ‘proving’ yourself to the world or trusting yourself. No more explaining or justifying. You need to start right now, today, trusting your decisions, your choices, your beliefs, your feelings, your ideas, your opinions, your abilities, your skills, your competence, your intelligence, your life experience and your intuition.

So start polishing that crown and wear it with your own amazing style. Then and only then will you begin to see and appreciate the gem you truly are.


Here’s one great tip:

Develop your repertoire of one-liners to use in all those situations that normally have you doing that thing…you know proving yourself! Practice these frequently so you get comfortable with them. Look in the mirror and say them out loud. Try them on:

“Thanks for sharing.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“I’ll consider that.”

“Thanks but I pretty much have this one sorted.”

“You could say that, I couldn’t possibly comment!”

Your turn…get creative and dream up your perfect comeback!

Until next time…Grab Life by the Crown!

Hello from London… December 6

Hello from London!

Seriously, what happened to this year?!!! December is upon us once again, although you would never know it from the mild weather we have been having. Luckily morning walks in the park are still sunny and dry. That’s important when you have short dogs!




It’s going to be a very different December for us, that’s for sure! Our niece and her fabulous family are visiting from Canada. They will be in London for Christmas and New Year’s and we are going to do the town. Christmas lunch is booked at a 18th century pub just up the road.

We are looking forward to being able to stop, breathe and have some fun since we’ve been so busy over the Autumn with Masterclasses and designing programmes that will be rolled out in 2015.

Of course we did stop to hop across the road (literally across the road, we aren’t kidding !) to see the Christmas fair and the lighting of the Village lights. It’s not everyday you get to see a camel in the middle of the Square! And the 3 Wise Men were there to complete the set! That would be the Village vet, a real estate agent and a shopkeeper…the neighbours…need we say more!




Have an absolutely fabulous Holiday Season! The next time we say “Hello” it will be 2015! Wow! Oh, and before you go…

As a special free gift for a happier Holiday Season, we’ve recorded a fantastic video (mp4 complete with slides) called “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Chaos”. It’s full of info & strategies for surviving the holiday madness with sanity intact! So, sign in to get the private link, grab an extra eggnog, turn up the volume! http://theburnoutqueens.com/xmas-chaos

Till next month, Embrace Life!
Dr Toby & Dr Bev

Stress relief tip ahead

Did you get your copy of our free eBook “Be the Queen of Calm, Cool & Collected! 60 fabulous tips to live your life with less pressure and more ease.” (get it below if you didn’t)

If you did, you might recognise this shortened version of tip #40

alarm clock

Ding, ding, ding…time to ‘check your stress’!  

Stress affects your physical and emotional health in so many ways that you need to stay on top of it.  So no better time like the present…

Here are 2 of the 5 signs we cover in our eBook tip.  Ask yourself right now:

1.  Is my breathing shallow or rapid?

2.  Are my shoulders up around my ears?

Relaxing your body will give your mind a different message.  Take a minute or two right now to change your body’s physical stress response.

p.s.  Here’s a trick, send yourself a reminder via email or your phone.  When that reminder goes off, stop and check your stress.
pps  If you want to know the other 3 signs plus get the other 59 seamlessly simple stress tips, then your free personal copy is waiting for you here:


The Burnout Queens xx

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Photography: Caroline True Photography | Illustration by Veronica Miller | Site Design: Kim McDaniels | Disclaimer