The Burnout Pups Weekend Wisdom: Greer says…
“Creativity help you see the big picture!”
The experience of living as a highly sensitive woman in a noisy, busy and unrelenting world
The Burnout Pups Weekend Wisdom: Greer says…
“Creativity help you see the big picture!”
1. Know what you want and need to say.
2. Write down 3 different ways you could say it.
3. Rehearse each option in front of a mirror, with a friend, or record it.
4. Evaluate your rehearsal for clarity, strength and style.
5. Own what you needed to say.
It’s absolutely time to share your best with others. –Dr. Toby Silverton
For business think, “What do I want them to know about me?” Craft your message based on your strengths. You wouldn’t think of writing your CV or resume based on your weakest points now would you? Not sure what your strengths are, get in touch and we will coach you to not only know them but to love them.
Showing others your strengths, successes and achievements is as legitimate as showing them your less than powerful points. Blowing your own horn transforms “What will they think of me?” into “This is what I think of myself”.