The experience of living with burnout and exhaustion for professional, creative and highly sensitive women
Burnout Queens Wisdom: Keep a sense of humour about yourself
Whistle while you work?
What better way to work creatively than having music in the background. Makes me think with more clarity and style.
Today it’s the classics quietly and melodically in the background. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
How about you? What do you listen to while pushing papers and writing notes?
You do listen to music while you work don’t you!
The Burnout Queens xx
Laughing is soul-filling
A day of leisure
Monday was the UK Bank Holiday time. So what did The Burnout Queens and Pups do?
After 2 weeks of leaks, biz writing and launches, and 2 vet visits for a spider bite and infection, we all (yes even the pups had a vote) just decided Monday was the day to do nothing but laze. What else would 4 highly sensitive creatures do after being bombarded with noise, people and chaos!?
With the distinct feel of autumn in the air and rain falling, can anything beat Mary Berry, Fortnum & Mason wedding breakfast tea, snuggle pups and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies? Laze is blissful indeed!
What did you do?
With love, The Burnout Queens (and Pups) xx