
The experience of living with burnout and exhaustion for professional, creative and highly sensitive women

We decided we should chat…


You know when someone tells you something that you need to hear but might hurt your feelings? Well that is what we are going to do here. Telling yourself that you are lousy at making decisions, or you can’t make decisions, is just another way of avoiding, putting-off and getting yourself very, very stuck. It’s time for you to face-up to decisions because sticking your neck out and making a decision increases the odds of getting what you want, and we want you to get what you want. (So,can we still be friends?)

We frequently hear, ‘I can’t make decisions’ or ‘I’m not good at decisions’. What this really means is, ‘I’m uncomfortable with decisions, they make me nervous, anxious or even fearful’. We don’t want to make the wrong decision and because of the way we have been raised we have come to believe that anything short of perfect is simply wrong!

Come to think of it we have been raised and trained to take decisions very very seriously. We were told, “If you make the wrong decision the sky is going to fall!” Oh, ok, not in so many words, it was probably more subtle, more like…

  • Well if you are sure that’s the right decision for you?
  • It’s not what I would do, but it’s your life dear!
  • If that’s the way you want to do it…
  • I guess you know what you are doing…
  • Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?

No wonder we become decision-shy. Personally, I would have preferred to hear, “Hey that’s the wrong decision!” At least I could have asked “Why?” or pouted or flounced to my room in a grand gesture!

Problem is, with these messages we actually start believing that a ‘perfect’ decision exists somewhere. Well, news flash there is no such thing as a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision. And there is definitely no such thing as a ‘perfect’ decision.

Instead of right or wrong (we won’t even breathe the word ‘perfect’) we need to aim for making the ‘best-fit’ decision we can at the time because all decisions depend on their circumstances. If for some reason your decision doesn’t turn out to be what you thought it would or what you wanted or needed, just make another decision.

(We’ll pause for a moment here while those of you who fell off your chairs in shock regain your decorum!)

Yes, you heard us right…just make another decision, a different one. Well, for those of us raised in the school of perfect decisions, this is new territory! We’ll go further than that, it’s a new solar system! Ok, go slow and read the next 3 lines, breathe deeply as you do, it could be a shock to your system!

Make a decision…change your mind…make another decision.
Make a decision…gain new info…make a different decision.
Make a decision…want something different…make a new decision.

No-fault decision making (certainly not your fault) keeps you moving right along, closer and closer to where you dream of being.

Everybody can make decisions! Yes, even you! If you couldn’t then you would still be lying in bed wearing your Sleeping Beauty pyjamas! This is a great opportunity to stop telling yourself that there is something you can’t do well or do at all! (Cross that off your list!)

From the moment you open your eyes in the morning till you hit the pillow at night you make decisions whether or not you want to own them. We know decisions can be nerve-wracking, so don’t expect to be Ms Cool with every decision. You may still get queasy about making a decision but the more you believe in the ‘no-fault principle’, decisions will get easier and you will gain confidence in your decision making prowess!

Of course, it is perfectly reasonable to pause and ponder when a decision is needed. It’s like stopping at the fork in the road before turning left or right. That’s cool. Time to consider, think, feel and listen to your gut or intuition. But don’t you dare lie to yourself about NOT making a decision. You are deciding to not decide, it’s a ‘no-decision decision’ which is a perfectly legitimate decision, but a decision nonetheless.

We have to own them all: deciding for, deciding against,
and deciding not to decide.

Darlings forget right or wrong, and definitely forget perfect! Instead aim to make wise decisions. We know you can be absolutely great at doing that. How do we know that, well being highly sensitive, perceptive and creative means you make unique decisions, maybe even ones that others don’t necessarily understand, but by the time you reach your decision it will have your style stamped all over it. Now that’s what makes a decision great and one you want to own…your style!

Here’s one great tip!

Take your clue from flipping a coin. First flip didn’t come out the way you wanted? Going for the ‘best 2 out of 3’? Probably means you know what decision you want. Most of us flip the coin till it comes out the way we want. Cut to the chase. Trust yourself. You know.

Until next time…Grab Life by the Crown!
Dr Toby & Dr Bev

Putting pessimism in it’s place-Part 2

rosy glasses

Welcome back to our optimistic blog focus this week.

Yesterday we shared  the first 5 ways you can become more optimistic and thus as a Burnout Queen, decree a happier life and lifestyle.  An optimistic thought to get us going!

Here is the second group of 5 to just cement this in your way of being…it just keeps getting more and more optimistic doesn’t it ladies!

6. Stop dwelling on negative experiences, all you are doing is reprogramming your psyche over and over to expect the worse. (yuck you don’t need encouragement like this).  Bad experiences in the past do not predict bad experiences in the future.

7.Avoid procrastination: Its hard to picture a successful future with a lot of unfinished projects hanging around to remind you what a “failure” you are. Stop making yourself miserable and start doing.  You heard that right…get off that comfy sofa and get at it! (you did read the getting stuck on the comfy sofa blog didn’t you?)

8.Don’t run away from problems. There is no upside in putting your head in the sand. Some problems require standing your ground, facing them squarely in the face,  and beginning to solve them.  Check out your life for existing or potential road blocks and begin to remove them.  Imagine yourself taking life-enhancing risks instead of creating obstacles.


9.Claim your successes. The downfall of most women don’t you think?  Ask a lot of yourself and when you attain it (as we optimistically believe you will)  Blow your own horn.  You never know whom you will inspire!

10.Adopt generosity. Devoting time to other people’s problems is healthy for us. It’s called social interest and it gets you outside of your head and life. Involving yourself in charity or giving, can take our self-focus down a few notches and this can go miles to helping us see the bigger picture and our lives with more clarity.  Another way to say it is, count your blessings.


So there you have it.  10 beautifully simple ways to keep yourself alert to your pessimism while helping you seamlessly create a shift in your perspective.  Shifts ripple into every aspect of your life and that my dear ladies is a massive gift to give yourselves.

Grab Life by the Crown (we say optimistically)

The Burnout Queens xx


Putting pessimism in it’s place-Part 1

rosy glasses

Seems like those who look on the bright side of life – the optimists – have the edge on attaining a more fulfilling life, while the pessimists risk depression, low achievement, and even physical illness.


Here’s the good news, you too can lose the pessimism and develop an optimistic outlook.  The Burnout Queens have 10 ways you can achieve this and they are super simple—it’s the only way we operate!

1.Don’t wait for your attitude to “just change”.  If optimism doesn’t come easily to you, you will have to work for it (stop moaning).  Just like any training programme it takes dedication and practice to cement that new skill.  Now that’s doable ladies!

2.Start paying attention to your mind chatter about yourself. Tune into your inner queen and see what she’s saying about you…you know, those nasty little cutting things you say about yourself to yourself. I’m sure there will be certain trigger times:  when you make a mistake (you idiot),  when you face a difficult situation (I don’t think I’m up for this),  when something doesn’t work out in your favour (typical things never work out for ME), and when you have a disagreement with someone (why don’t I ever say what I’m REALLY feeling).

Write down as many of these thoughts as you can “catch”.  We’ve given you a few, but we know you have a laundry list don’t you—after all you exhaust your Burnout Queen self with them constantly!

3.Replace every negative with a positive. Pessimist that you are, you probably won’t want to bother doing this exercise, but it works, so ignore your usual negative message and give it a go.  Humour us!

4.Visualize a positive outcome for yourself. Sports psychologists do this all the time with athletes. They see themselves going through the game and winning!  Picturing doing what you want helps your brain get familiar with the new behaviour, improves performance, and gives you a positive outcome.  Include as many details as posssible

5.Look for the silver lining. As corny as it sounds, finding a worthwhile lesson in every experience is a great habit to form. It certainly cuts down on the day to day stress and can be a real life-saver when those inevitable life crises hit.  So take a deep breath, take a step back and look at the bigger picture…what am I meant to learn here?  Pure Silver!

So there you have it, our first 5 ways to keep pessimism in it’s proper place.  You are a Burnout Queen and deserve the optimism that goes with this!

See you tomorrow for the next 5, and in the meantime….


Grab Life by the Crown (we say optimistically)


The Burnout Queens xx

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