You are the boss. You have your hands full. Everything falls on your shoulders: the successes, the worries, the deadlines, the cash flow, and the creative flow.
There are oh so many ‘perks’ to being your own boss, but Darling, some of you sensitive solo-preneurs have totally forgotten the whole point of running your own business! Between the work load and the pressure you may have forgotten that, once upon a time…
…you decided to work for yourself to enjoy the freedom, flexibility, independence, power, and creativity!
Many women solo-preneurs underestimate, ignore, or downplay their freedom and flexibility. They treat themselves as if they still work in ‘corporate-land’. You know what happens then don’t you? Well, my dear, you turn into a very buttoned-up bossy boss lady indeed!
You have rules! All kinds of rules and half-rules; discipline and punishment that you pile on your employee (aka…you!). Confession time! How many of these have you ‘heard’ lately?
- I need to be at my desk by 8am.
- I can’t leave till everything is done.
- I couldn’t possibly drop work to meet a friend for lunch.
- I can’t take vacations, who will run things while I’m gone?
- I’m too busy to take a ‘sick’day.
You chose to live your work and love your work on your own terms, so embrace it. Don’t cave-in to old patterns, behaviours, pressures and certainly stop following all those out-of-date and misplaced rules and regulations. (Gentle tap on the shoulder…) They don’t need to exist in your realm! You are the boss.
You can cultivate a more flexible Inner Boss; a more creative, supportive, powerful, productive, and effective boss than you ever imagined. Now show her your appreciation and loyalty by taking her out to lunch!
The joys of being on the ‘good side’ of your inner-boss are many: you can work at any point in your day, in any fashion you want, with anyone you want, and in any environment you choose.
You can be flexible. You are allowed to be flexible.
(In fact, you can decree it, you are a Burnout Queen!)
You can work in the park, in the local caff, or at the beach; you can work in your jammies, in your skinny jeans, in a power suit, or even in your Birthday suit (although we don’t recommend meetings on Skype this way)!
You can work in your own unique way. You are the boss! You don’t have the restrictions corporate ladies do. After all isn’t that a huge reason you opted-out of the rat race?
So, to all our super-wonderful sensitive solo-preneurs, there is just one BIG question left to pose to your inner boss:
Are you going to make work a pleasure or a misery?
Right answer! So, this week shake up your inner boss and see how much more brilliant, fun, creative, and powerful she can be when she flirts with the freedom of flexibility.
PS. The BOQs would love to hear from you! Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.