
In our last article we talked about time tension, that nagging, urgent sense of time crowding us out of our lives.  Personally we both have time in our lives to do what we want or need to do.  Now, this was not some benevolent random act of the Universe, oh no, we designed and maintain life this way.  Our everyday, non-rushing lifestyle is the result of creative planning, some sacrificing, most definitely some risk taking…and much soul searching.  So why, I ask myself, do I still find myself lamenting the lack of time and arguing with myself over scheduling?

Since some smart-alec put sand in a bottle and called it ‘time management’ we never have ‘enough’ time.
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“It’s all lies” (she boldly declares!).  Don’t know about you, but I can never come up with the ‘perfect’ schedule.  We spend time, energy and yes money trying to figure out how we can steal more time, stretch time, or maybe just bend it a little.  Heard these before?

♦       When I have more time I will…

♦       When things slow down I will…

♦       When I’m caught up I will…

♦       If I just had an extra hour…

♦       I’ll get to it later…

The naked truth about time?
We live time, we don’t manage it!
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We can’t buy more time.  We can’t turn back time.  We can’t make-up time. Time does not fly, nor does it stand still .  We do not have all the time in the world…or no time at all.  There are 24 hours in a day and it’s not going to change anytime soon. 

Maybe you haven’t thought of it this way before, but our days are our lives in miniature.  How we use time in our day, what we choose to include, exclude, focus on or ignore reflects the bigger picture of our life.

Simply put, if it’s important to you
it will be reflected in your day.

(Stop groaning, stick with us and you will see how clear and easy it can be!) 

With a couple of simple ideas, we can all make those 24 hours ripe with opportunities.  (Oh we know, sleeping…but what about dreams? Dreams point the way to opportunities.)

You say…

♦       Taking care of yourself is important –  How are you doing that today?

♦       You want to include everyday spirituality  –  Is it in your plan for the day?

♦       You want more creative time with your children  –  What’s on your agenda?

♦       You are going to spend less time at work – What’s your overtime this week?

For the next few weeks, use your calendar to reflect how you choose to live your life.  It’s simple, it’s inspired, and it’s something you can do everyday.

Here’s another no-brainer:  Each hour presents 3 opportunities to ‘do’ something.  It’s our 20 minute solution.  (Dr. B finds this one works for her as she tends to ‘get lost’ in her work!)  I find it a great help and especially useful to lower my stress if I am in a state of time urgency.  Here’s a practical example:  next 20 minutes is for editing this article;  then I will answer emails for 20 minutes.  Full Stop.  The third 20 minute opportunity, well the dachs have their legs crossed so it’s off to the garden for a pit-stop!  20 minutes of relaxation and fresh air.  The next hour presents three more opportunities.  Need more time for something, reserve a 40 minute block or even a 80 minute lunch break.  Try it, this one works!

It’s time to stop pretending
that we don’t know what to do with time.

Living with time is as natural as breathing.  What other choice do we have? Discard the myth of time management and begin to live time.  Start today by asking yourself, “What do I want to do?”  instead of  “What do I need to get done?”  You will be astonished by your answers.  You will find yourself ‘wanting’ to do chores, ‘wanting’ to have fun, ‘wanting’ to relax, ‘wanting’ to read that story to your child, ‘wanting’ to make progress on that project.  So, are you ready Burnout Queens?  It’s time to stage your own creative revolution…

Don’t fall for the myth of time management,
get inspired by time!

Love, Dr Toby & Dr Bev xx

PS.  The BOQs would love to hear from you!  Leave your wisdom and comments in the box below.

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