
My Spinning World – life as an HSP

Oh woe is me | Lady Fainting

Well, I for one am really feeling the stress of world events. The world for this HSP is quite literally spinning around!  

Emotions over the past few days have run the gamut through shock, horror, despair, sadness, anger, fear, which all added up to stress.  I am most definitely wired to experience the symptoms of stress (and in the past burnout) physically first.  Something physical shows up to warn me: a headache, upset stomach, muscle tension, insomnia and this time vertigo!

My world was quite literally spinning for a few hours last night.  I know this was a direct result of stress, so I am paying attention and being gentle with myself today.  Us HSPs soak up a lot of stress and tension from media coverage of world events; images, sounds, commentary all hit their mark.  Remember to take care of yourself and create moments of peace and tranquillity.

Love Dr. T xx

You may also feel stress physically.  If so, what are the warning signs that ‘hit’ you first?

Outsmarting a Wet Umbrella, HSP Style

umbrella holder

This HSP woman has had enough.

Have you ever been caught out in the rain and then had to stuff your dripping umbrella into your bag before going inside? Yeah, you know what happens after that don’t you?  Everything inside that gorgeous tote gets soaked, soggy, damp and ugly to touch.

Well, I know an HSP woman who solved this dilemma in style. With this simple and really inexpensive trick she no longer leaves her umbrella at the shop door (to get taken) or drops it under her seat to soak the floor.  No this savvy HSP stylist on a recent shopping trip found this brilliant solution. (I would never have thought of this)

This is actually a waterproof bottle holder bought at a kitchen shop for less than £1. Cut off the long strap (or leave it on for style) and it’s set to go.   Cue the rain (which isn’t hard at this time of year).  Now when that darn umbrella gets sopping wet, she puts it inside the waterproof pouch, locks it shut and puts the whole thing in her tote.  When she gets back to the flat out it all comes and the inside of the tote is dry and preserved (no more pool of water at the bottom of the bag, no more diary unreadable, no more fried mobile).  The added bonus is neon colours are easily seen inside the big bag so it’s super easy to find it.

Give it a whirl. It works.  Thanks Dr T (our stylish HSP)

5 Signs of Exhaustion Creep & How to Regain Your Groove

wilting flower

5 Signs of Exhaustion Creep & How to Get Your Groove Back!

Typically when autumn and winter arrive, I never like waking up,  going to work, and returning home in the dark.  I feel like a mole and I miss my summer shadows. I think most people (and especially women) feel more tired and we are all more susceptible to flus, colds and achy everything.

Well, I’ve decided to dub this feeling ‘exhaustion creep’.

Here are 5 recognisable signs that the ‘e-creep’ is with you (of course there are many more):

    • You yawn way more often
    • You can’t focus very long because you just want to have a nap
    • You can’t get or stay asleep, making you a grumpy sheep counting expert
    • You feel dull and achy in your body and joints
    • You skip the exercise regime because…(fill in favourite excuse)

Sound familiar?  These are all pretty recognisable signs,  but as ‘be-all-and-do-all-women’ we still have to keep going don’t we!  We just don’t have time for ‘exhaustion creep’.   So we push through, the exhaustion increases and end up feeling sluggish and low in energy.

Well good news, here’s how to regain your groove: 

  • Eat meals on time (breakfast, lunch & dinner please)
  • Stretch your body (she’ll thank you for it)
  • Take a quiet walk  (crunch of leaves underfoot can be therapeutic)
  • Deep breathe on purpose for 5 minutes  (in to 4-hold to 4- out to 8)
  • Drink water to hydrate  (coffee & tea while hot, are dehydrating)

Simple everyday ways to keep your groove intact because You are a Burnout Queen!

Love, Dr T & Dr B xx

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