Oh woe is me | Lady Fainting

Well, I for one am really feeling the stress of world events. The world for this HSP is quite literally spinning around!  

Emotions over the past few days have run the gamut through shock, horror, despair, sadness, anger, fear, which all added up to stress.  I am most definitely wired to experience the symptoms of stress (and in the past burnout) physically first.  Something physical shows up to warn me: a headache, upset stomach, muscle tension, insomnia and this time vertigo!

My world was quite literally spinning for a few hours last night.  I know this was a direct result of stress, so I am paying attention and being gentle with myself today.  Us HSPs soak up a lot of stress and tension from media coverage of world events; images, sounds, commentary all hit their mark.  Remember to take care of yourself and create moments of peace and tranquillity.

Love Dr. T xx

You may also feel stress physically.  If so, what are the warning signs that ‘hit’ you first?

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