Have you heard ‘TOO’ words all your life?  


TOO emotional

TOO shy

TOO intense

TOO serious

TOO moody

TOO artsy

TOO idealistic

TOO neurotic

You think TOO much

You worry TOO much

You take things TOO personally

You analyse TOO much

You are TOO overwhelming


You are just TOO sensitive


Well, don’t you believe it.  The Burnout Queens celebrate being Highly Sensitive because we know that being Highly Sensitive means you are… 








Adorably Quirky





We get you!   The Burnout Queens know what it means to be Highly Sensitive from the inside and out because we are creative, professional, and Highly Sensitive ourselves. 

You will love it here at The Burnout Queens.  It is a great place to discover and learn more about being Highly Sensitive.






Being Highly Sensitive (an HSP) is simply a different variation on the ‘normal’ theme.  It is not a diagnosis and it absolutely does not mean there is anything wrong, weird, or ‘crazy’ about you.  You were born Highly Sensitive and most likely inherited bits and pieces of your Highly Sensitive self.

Being Highly Sensitive encompasses many things.  You have a tendency and ability to absorb a myriad of information and detail from your environment.  You often pick-up energy and subtleties from the world around you, and people in it, that others do not seem to notice at all.  Then there are other qualities that you experience but can’t always explain like your intuition, imagination, and creativity.




Being Highly Sensitive can make the world feel challenging and exhausting.  You may experience heightened sensitivity to:


Noise & Lights 

Scents & Odours

Crowds & Movement 

Pain & Illness

 Foods & Medications

 Stress & Pressure

 Bad News & Media Violence

 World Events



You likely have a strong startle response, are a sensitive sleeper, and feel a lot of muscle tension among other varied symptoms most usually associated with tension and stress.  These sensitivities, combined with your exquisite awareness and intensity, can leave you uncomfortable, jangled, anxious, over-stimulated, sad, overwhelmed, or suffering burnout.

You spend a lot of time in your head.   You like being deeply in touch with your feelings, thoughts, and inner experiences.  All told your emotional awareness and sensitivity leads to a great appreciation of life.  It can, however, also mean that things don’t roll off your back quite so easily!  From time to time you may need to renew your energy, refind your equilibrium, and restore your sense of inner peace and tranquillity.

Being Highly Sensitive means you enjoy many varied talents, interests, and abilities.  That is a great thing.  Being so multi-talented and focused, however, can sometimes make it difficult to pinpoint your life work.  You may have found yourself bouncing from job to job, interest to interest, or stuck in a boring, dead-end, drudgery job and never really gaining the level of joy, satisfaction, or mastery that you are looking for.  Instead of finding work that makes your heart and soul sing you end up feeling discouraged, disappointed, disillusioned, or disconnected from your dreams.  Instead you find yourself on the path to burnout.




We have coached, counselled, mentored, and done therapy with the Highly Sensitive for many many years, decades in fact!   We know how intellectually and creatively gifted and multi-talented you can be.  You are blessed with deep insight, intense curiosity, wisdom, joy, compassion, and caring.  We know you to be spirited and soulful with strong imagination, phenomenal intuition, and intense emotional awareness.  And…you have an absolutely divine sense of humour that is as quirky as your worldview!  You live from a place of integrity, ethics, values, principles, and passion.



For the Highly Sensitive self-identity is everything.  It is the  ‘Jewel in the Crown’.




Who Am I?

What Do I Want?

What Do I Value?

Where Am I Going?

What Do I Believe In?

What Is My Life Work?



Your answers to these questions form the core of how you show-up in the world, how you address the pressures, challenges, and demands of your life, and how you embrace beauty, fulfillment, opportunities, and success.

Self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-approval is where it all can go very very right or very very wrong.  Embracing who you are sets you free to be yourself, your truly powerful, dynamic, and Highly Sensitive Self.  So go ahead and be as quirky and creative as you naturally are; the days of justifying and proving yourself are finally gone.     




The Burnout Queens spend the majority of our time working with the Highly Sensitive.  Why?  Because HSPs are exquisitely designed to burnout.  Being Highly Sensitive means you have a perfect combination of traits, factors, and sensitivities that can put you on the fast-track to burnout. 

On top of that, there is what The Burnout Queens call your BOP Factor.  Yes, you may have a burnout personality.  We are talking perfectionism, idealism, being a people pleaser, having a ‘yes’ habit, a non-stop work ethic, and lots and lots of high expectations for yourself.  Your BOP Factor overlaps with being Highly Sensitive which puts you at particular risk for burnout.

Highly Sensitive women (and some men) often seek us out because they are unhappy, uninspired, and fed-up with their work.  Many have spent years ‘bouncing’ from one job to another hopeful that the new job will bring the joy, sense of purpose, and accomplishment that they are desperately seeking.  Others find themselves stuck in dead-end jobs, always promising themselves that they are going to leave to pursue their dreams, but never quite make that happen.  These patterns lead to disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment, and eventually becoming totally disheartened.  In other words, they lead to burnout.

Burnout leaves you depleted and hopeless but that doesn’t have to be the end of the story.  Once you embrace being Highly Sensitive as a strength and not a fault you are on the path to full potential.  You can live burnout-free forever.




The Burnout Queens do not believe in work-life balance.  Stop aiming for the myth of perfect balance because it simply does not exist.   Balance constantly changes with the ups and downs of everyday life. 

Living Balance means living with clarity, flexibility, fluidity, and flow.  It is about awareness, inner balance, harmony, congruence, and peace that ultimately translates into the way you do things.  Living Balance allows you to live from a place of equilibrium, confidence and freedom.

Living Balance reflects your willingness to accept and live life with all of its challenges, imperfections, failures, successes, opportunities and dreams.  It relies on your deep commitment to values, beliefs, principles, and priorities. 




To The Burnout Queens, ‘Bliss’ means living and loving all of the talents, strengths, and gifts that flow from your Highly Sensitive and creative Self. 

Our view is rather unique.  We are always amazed at how much Highly Sensitive individuals have in common with Peak Performers.  The problem is that peak performance is usually associated with super-athletes, mega-performers, or corporate giants not sensitive, caring, and creative beings. 

Look over this list of qualities that Peak Performers are known to have and we think you will agree that it sounds like someone you know!


Love new ideas

Have innovative ways of doing things

See novel and unique solutions

Are big picture thinkers

Analyse and reflect deeply

Have stick-to-it-ness

Are self-disciplined

Believe in excellence

Pursue their ideals

Are passionate and committed

Live from a sense of mission and purpose


You may not believe that you share these qualities but they are well within your reach.  Living your full potential, just like Peak Performers do, means discovering and challenging yourself with new interests, directions, and activities while respecting your physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.  Never underestimate your potential to harness your energy, drive, motivation, commitment, and dedication. 




Do you want to start living this way?   Begin by joining us in The Realm!


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