Here are the 4 most important things you need to do today to ensure you succeed with your unique Change style.

Our clients over the decades put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into changing how they think, feel and respond in situations in their lives.  When they successfully follow a few basic changes, they feel invigorated, bold and like they found the ‘keys to the kingdom’.  Divas all of them!

This is how they did it, why not try it yourself!

First, have a good read of our latest Feature Article (click here) and then…

Second:  Decide what change means to you…

Is it risk taking, adventure, stress or something else?

Is change imposed on you…or…chosen by you?

Third:  Find a role model for change, either fictional or real  (it can even be someone you see walking through a revolving door). 

What is it you admire about how she changes things or herself in her life?

How does she approach change and what happens if  she doesn’t succeed at it?

Fourth:  And this is obvious if you read the article…Go find a revolving door and go through it, more than once if you have to, to find out your style.

Why not take an unsuspecting friend with you and surreptitiously watch them go through a revolving door.  Ask yourself…does it match her style?

You can share your secret motive and a good laugh with her over tea later!

Go on!  Find that revolving door and you might find out something extremely important about what help you succeed or keep you being the ‘same old, same old’ you are tired of being!

Cheers, The Burnout Queens xx

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